Recommendations to Increase Adoption

  • Adoption measures the degrees of system usage by employees as they use the Product Features and Modules. By default Network admins may get these 6 recommendations based on the domain's setting & usage by employees:

    1. To turn on email notification if they are off for the domain.

    2. To turn on weekly email digest if they are off for the domain.

    3. To do a campaign if no campaign has been done in the last 30 days.

    4. To set up an SSO widget for enterprise apps on the landing page if one does not already exist.

    5. To promote download of the mobile app, if < 60% of the users are using it.

    6. To promote download of the mango recorder app, if < 60% of the users are using it.

  • Network admins can choose to implement the recommendation by taking the appropriate action.

  • If the network admin declines a recommendation, then that recommendation is not made to any network admin again (declined recommendations are still accessible from the network's declined list).

Enable email notifications

  • If domain notification is turned OFF for Email notification, then this recommendation will appear to all domain admins.

  • Clicking on "Setup email notification" will take the admin user to "Notifications".

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is moved to declined state, removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins (one copy for all domain admins).

Enable weekly post summary digest

  • If the "post digest email for the domain" is set to NEVER, then all domain admins get this notification.

  • Clicking on "Setup post digests" will take the admin user to "Email > Email Digests" and admin can set up a periodic frequency by when a digest will be triggered out.

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is moved to declined state, removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins (one copy for all domain admins).

Use campaigns to do a monthly newsletter

  • Campaigns offer its domain users with engaging newsletters which they can read over email and SMS.

  • If there are "zero campaigns in sent status in the domain" or there is "no campaign in sent status in the last > 30 days", then all domain admins will get the notifications.

  • Clicking on "Create a campaign" will take the admin user to Campaigns module in the User Portal.

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins.

Setup enterprise apps SSO widget on the landing page

  • If the landing page set up for the "Default Network Users Navigation" in the domain is either company or admin copy of dashboard and "My enterprise apps" SSO widget is not present in the landing page, then domain admins receives this recommendation. Admin can set up their companies SSO apps to be accessible from MangoApps allowing users to use 1 place to go directly into other company apps.

  • Clicking on "Add SSO Widget" will take the admin user to either the dashboard or company page - whichever is the landing page of the domain.

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is moved to declined state, removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins (one copy for all domain admins).

Promote native mobile apps

  • If < 60% of the total active users in the domain have installed the mobile app (iPhone or Android) then all domain admins receive this recommendation.

  • Clicking on "Create a post "will open the Compose > Post dialog.

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is moved to declined state, removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins (one copy for all domain admins).

Promote mango recorder app

  • If < 60% of the total active users in the domain have installed the tiny take app (windows or mac) then all domain admins receive these recommendations.

  • Clicking on "Create a post" will open the Compose > Post dialog and Admin can create a post by including links of mobile apps from the download section with a note to its users on the benefits of having a mobile app.

  • If any domain admin clicks on "Decline" then this recommendation is moved to declined state, removed from this tab and moved to declined recommendations tab for all domain admins (one copy for all domain admins).

Last updated