Configuring the location webhooks
Last updated
Configuring the location webhooks
Last updated
Webhooks enable synchronization of office location data between MangoApps and external third-party software/APIs. With webhooks, admins can send or receive location-related updates based on specified trigger events.
The Location Webhook settings allow MangoApps to push location data to external third-party software/APIs.
Select Trigger Events:
Choose the events that should trigger the webhook:
Create Location – Triggers when a new location is created.
Update Location – Triggers when an existing location is updated.
Delete Location – Triggers when a location is removed.
The system will send data to the specified external server whenever the selected event occurs.
Post to URL:
Enter the endpoint URL of the external third-party software/API where the location data should be sent.
Request Parameters:
Define the request parameters to send data to the external system.
Enter the external system’s API field name in the API Field text box.
Select the corresponding MangoApps location field from the MangoApps Field drop-down menu.
Click + Add to add more request parameters.
Click Remove to delete any unnecessary parameters.
Response Parameters:
Configure response parameters to receive confirmation or additional data from the external system.
Enter the external system’s response field in the API Field text box.
Select the appropriate MangoApps field from the MangoApps Field drop-down menu.
Click + Add to include more response parameters.
Click Remove to delete response parameters if necessary.
Ensure the external system ID for both request and response parameters matches the third-party API field for locations.
The Notifying MangoApps settings enable external third-party software/APIs to send location data to MangoApps.
MangoApps URL:
Use the provided MangoApps URL to send and sync location data from an external server.
Input Parameters:
Define the parameters MangoApps will receive from the external system.
Enter the external system’s API field in the API Field text box.
Select the matching MangoApps location field from the MangoApps Field drop-down menu.
Check the Location Identifier checkbox if the parameter is a unique identifier.
Click + Add to add more input parameters.
Click Remove to delete an input parameter.
The external system ID for input parameters must match the third-party API field for proper data synchronization.