
Managing company holidays and important dates

Setup Company Holidays

MangoApps lets you add holidays and important dates for different office locations to display them on employee's calendar. MangoApps displays a notification automatically under the bell icon a day before the company holiday or important date.

  1. Locations and Years: Click the Locations and then Year drop-down to filter the holidays and important dates list for different office locations. Countries of all office locations (Admin Portal > Domain > Locations > Locations) are listed in the Locations drop-down.

  2. List of holidays: All holidays and important dates added to your domain for all office locations.

    1. Title: Name of the company holiday/important event. This title is used in notifications and labels on the calendar.

    2. Type: Type of date record. Company holidays are the dates when your office is closed for business. Important dates are significant events in a country; offices may not be closed for business. MangoApps displays a notification for the user based on their office location a day before the company holiday as - "Tomorrow is a holiday for [holiday_title]. Have a great day off!" and for an important date - "Tomorrow is [holiday_title]."

    3. Date: Date of the company holiday/important event added to your domain.

    4. Description: Additional information about the company holiday/important event. You can add up to 500 characters in the Description text box.

    5. Location: The company holiday/important event location. It is used when displaying the Holiday Title on the User Portal based on a user's office location.

  3. Popular Holiday Finder: Click the Popular Holiday Finder button to search and add a company holiday/important event for an office location. The holiday finder currently supports 50+ countries.

  4. Add New Holiday: Click the Add New Holiday button to add a new company holiday/important event for an office location.

Only network admins can add, edit, clone, and delete holidays and important dates.

A user's office location is used when company holidays & important dates are displayed on the User Portal. See Locations for more information.

Adding a Company Holiday/Important Date

You can add company holidays and important dates for different office locations. To add an important date:

  1. Click the Add New Holiday button to open the Add New Holiday pop-up.

  2. In the Type drop-down, select Important Date.

  3. In the Title text box, enter the title. For example, enter 'Columbus Day' in the Title text box.

    • In the Date text box, select the date. For example, select "October 14 2019". You can add a holiday for multiple days by adding an end date for a holiday.

      • You can also add a holiday for a time duration of a couple of hours, for example a company holiday of half a day; by clicking the + Add End Date/Time link to specify the start and end time of the holiday. You MUST disable the 'All Day' toggle bar for this.

  4. In the Description text box, enter additional information for the date.

  5. In the Location text box, enter the office location. You can add a company holiday/important date for multiple locations. Holidays and important dates are displayed based on a user's office location.

  6. Click the Save button to add the important date on your domain for the specified location(s).

You can add company holidays and important dates for different office locations using the Popular Holiday Finder. To add a company holiday:

  1. Click the Popular Holiday Finder button to open the Popular Holiday Finder pop-up.

  2. In the Country drop-down, select the preferred country you want to add the holiday for. For example, select United Kingdom to fetch the holiday list for United Kingdom. Similarly, in the Year drop-down, select the preferred year to fetch the holidays for the country for the specific year.

  3. From the popular holiday list, click the toggle bar to add the holiday on your domain. For example, click the toggle bar for "Boxing Day". You can add all the holidays for a country using the "Enable All" option in the Popular Holiday Finder.

  4. Click the Save button to add the company holiday from the Popular Holiday Finder.

Filtering and Viewing the List of Holidays

If you have more than one office locations added on your domain (Admin Portal > Domain > Locations > Locations) you can filter the list of holidays using the Locations and Year drop-downs. To view the holidays for a country and specific year:

  1. Click the Locations drop-down and select the preferred country. For example, click United Kingdom to display the holidays added for United Kingdom on your domain.

  2. Click the Year drop-down and select the preferred year.

Last updated