Data Sources


MangoApps' Federated Search seamlessly integrates external platforms into the intranet search bar, empowering users with access to a broader spectrum of information, spanning across third-party applications and repositories.

MangoApps currently supports data sources from: Sharepoint & Teams, Google Drive, ServiceNow, GitBook, and Freshdesk.

Files and Folders will only appear in the Federated Search if they are synced within a workspace that the user has access to. If the files are synced to a workspace that the user cannot access, they will not appear in the search results.

Adding a Data Source: Step-by-Step

To get started, you will first need to acquire the corresponding keys, tokens, and account details for the software you are looking to integrate. The necessary details you need to prepare will change based on the Data Source you are selecting.

Once the initial setup is complete in the third-party software, return to the MangoApps website and follow the steps below:

  1. From the Search Module within the Admin Portal, click the Add Data Source button, located at the top right side of your screen.

  2. Enter a label name for the source to easily identify it within the system.

  3. Select the desired data source from the provided list.

  4. Input the organization's URL associated with the chosen data source.

  5. Provide a descriptive name for the organization, enhancing clarity for users.

  6. If necessary, add the API access token to facilitate secure communication between MangoApps and the external data source.

  7. Click the Test Connection button to ensure that the integration is functioning smoothly.

  8. Finally, click on Apply to save and apply the settings, making the external data source accessible within the intranet search bar.

Manage Search Data Sources

Once a data source has been added, it will appear within the Data Sources list.

Use the toggle switch next to a source in order to enable/disable it as a reference source for user searches.

Additionally, you can click Manage Settings next to a data source to revisit the entered data source information to make updates or changes. From this menu, you are also able to permanently remove a data source from the list by clicking Delete Data Source at the bottom of the pop-up menu.

Deleting the data source will remove the saved configuration information which is used to connect. The content from the data source will no longer be searchable until it is re-added.

Last updated