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The Posts module empowers you to disseminate updates to the entire organization or target specific teams, facilitating the sharing of company news, employee spotlights, sales victories, and success stories.
Network administrators have the capability to modify the system's default label and other domain-wide settings within the Posts module.
UI Options: This option allows you to customize the appearance of post description cards within the posts module. Choose between fixed height post cards vs content based variable height post cards. You also have the option to between black vs white background for the card area that displays the post title, author, reactions & views.
This setting controls the visual appearance of a post when it shows up on a newsfeed. Choose between:
Thumbnail, which retains the current view of the post’s featured image, title, and summary
Responsive, which introduces a larger, responsive layout with the featured image displayed up to 765 x 475px in size.
The responsive option ensures the featured image adjusts to the width of the page, appearing prominently with post titles and summaries, while smaller images are centered within the designated space.
On the user portal side, if Thumbnail is chosen, posts will showcase a post using the layout with smaller featured images, titles, and summaries.
If Responsive is selected, the feed displays larger images or videos in a responsive layout, ensuring maximum visibility on both fixed-width and full-width sites.
For mobile and tablet users, the view adapts to device dimensions while following the admin-defined configuration.
Posts without a featured image will omit the image area. All elements, including titles and summaries, will appear in a vertical order for improved readability. Responsive will retain all markdown syntax from the post within this preview.
Who Can Boost Posts: You can select the users with access to boost a post from Post Creator and All Admins All Admins Network and Intranet Admins only
Who Can Mark Posts: Select which users can mark the post as Announcement, Must Read, Highlight to Top, and Set Custom Label
Default Post Reviewer: Designate users that will appear pre-filled when the post author uses the Send for Review Workflow. The post author can still change the reviewer list for each post as per their requirement.
Enable highlighting of posts
Activate this feature to incorporate a dedicated highlight section at the top of chosen post areas such as Home, Newsfeed, and/or Posts page within the Company module. This functionality also allows for customization of the Highlight section's title. Please note that providing a title is mandatory.
Show View Count / acknowledge count on post: By enabling this setting, the view count will be visible to all users who can access the post when turned on. For posts that require acknowledgment, the count of users who have acknowledged the post will also be displayed to those who can view the post.
When enabled, an additional option will appear. This option allows you to show a public list of users who have viewed/acknowledged the post.
Allow comments on company posts: Mark the checkbox to allow users to comments on company posts by default. Post author can disallow comments on their specific post. Un-mark to disallow comments on all company posts - post author CANNOT override this setting.
Show posts from all public teams: Mark the checkbox to show posts from public teams on the Posts page even if the user is not a member of them on the User Portal. Un-mark to show posts from a user's teams only.
Show a widget which consolidates all podcasts: Mark the checkbox to show a widget on the Posts page that aggregates all voice-enabled posts in a list on the User Portal.
Allow posts to be subscribed on external apps: Mark the checkbox to allow users to add voice-enabled posts on their Apple Podcast app. If disabled, hides the Subscribe button for all users on the Posts page on the User Portal.
Allow sending SMS for Boost Post and Post Alert: Enable this setting to allow post alerts and boost of posts to be sent out over SMS.
Auto-expire must-read/announcement posts after _ Days: Check this setting to set the default expiration for must-read and announcement marked posts. On auto-expiry, the must read/announcement tag will be removed from the post. The post will still remain available as a regular post.
The translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) MUST be deactivated to edit the module label.
Activating and Deactivating the translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) resets the custom label text.
To learn more about Highlights in the User Portal, click .
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Configuring the domain-wide settings for Posts