Synced Computers
List of computers and users that have file sync enabled
Network admins can view and manage the synced machines where a user's MangoApps files are being synced to and from via the File Sync feature in the native MangoApps applications for Windows and Mac.
List of synced computers: List of all devices where your users have synced their MangoApps files via the File Sync feature in the native MangoApps applications for Windows and Mac. The details displayed for the user and their synced machine are Platform, Unique Identifier, Computer Name, IP Address, and Last Linked At.
Users: The name and primary email of the user.
Platform: The platform used to access the MangoApps domain.
Unique Identifier: The unique MAC address of the device assigned for identification on a network.
Computer Name: The unique name identifying the device on a network.
IP Address: The IP address of the device used for accessing the MangoApps domain.
Last Linked At: Date and time when the device was last linked to the MangoApps domain for file sync.
Unlink Computer: Click this option to stop file syncing to/from the specific machine for the user. Any ongoing sync is stopped if a network admin unlinks the synced computer for the user.
Users MUST manually start the sync via the File Sync feature in the native MangoApps applications if a network admin unlinks a synced computer.
How many computers can 1 user enable for sync?
By default, a network user can enable file sync for 2 computers. However, depending on the domain settings for 'File Sync', each network user can enable maximum 4 computers for file sync. See File Sync Settings for more information.
Can guest users enable file sync?
No, guest users CANNOT enable file sync. Guest users receive a warning pop-up when they try to enable the File Sync feature from the native MangoApps applications for desktop or mobile platforms.
Last updated