File Sync Tools (Deprecated)
Configuring the domain-wide file sync settings
Last updated
Configuring the domain-wide file sync settings
Last updated
This feature is no longer supported.
MangoApps allows your users to sync their MangoApps cloud files and folders using the Windows & Mac desktop applications to their local machines.
MangoApps File Sync is a productivity tool that allows users to mirror data stored on MangoApps to their desktop machines. They can then navigate and modify content stored on the MangoApps domain through their computer’s native file browsing interface, without using a web browser. Content that syncs down to their computer is available for offline access. If they make changes to the synced files locally, these changes are automatically synced back up to their MangoApps account, providing universal access to their files via web, their computer or their mobile devices.
Network admins can enable the file sync feature and limit the number of computers users can sync their files to.
Enable file sync for your domain: Click the toggle bar to enable/disable the file sync feature for your domain. If enabled, users can download the Windows and Mac desktop applications and use the File Sync feature to sync their files & folders for offline access.
No. of computers allowed to sync per user: Defines the number of computers a user's MangoApps files can be stored and synced locally on a desktop machine. Maximum 4 computers can be allowed for file sync per user.
Save Settings: Click the Save Settings button to apply the chosen settings for file sync.
By default, the 'No. of computers allowed to sync per user' is set to '2 computers' on domain creation.
Files attached from external document repositories such as SharePoint, Office 365, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Windows File Server, etc. are not included in the sync, because they do not reside in MangoApps.
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