Desktop & Mobile Access

Configuring the desktop and mobile app access settings


Network administrators have the capability to configure desktop and mobile application access settings for native Windows desktop and Mac clients within the Admin Portal. This functionality allows admins to enforce security measures by enabling IP-based access settings and Two Factor Authentication (2FA) configurations originally set in the 'Browser Access' tab. Additionally, admins can manage automatic upgrades for MangoApps Windows and Mac employees, ensuring users receive the latest software versions as they become available. By leveraging these controls, admins can tailor and enhance the security and functionality of the desktop and mobile applications used within their network, providing a secure and streamlined experience for users while maintaining control over access and updates. The flexibility to enable or disable specific features, such as automatic client upgrades, offers admins granular control over the desktop and mobile application environments to suit their network's needs and security policies.

Desktop Access

Network admins can configure the desktop application access settings for the native Windows desktop and Mac clients in the Admin Portal.

Enable IP based setting: Mark the checkbox to apply IP based access configured in the Browser Access tab to the native Windows desktop and Mac clients.

Enable 2FA Settings: Mark the checkbox to apply the 2FA settings configured in the Browser Access tab to the native Windows desktop and Mac clients.

Windows Client Upgrade: MangoApps for Windows and Mac users will be automatically upgraded when a new version is available. Unmark the checkbox if you don't want the users in your network to not get new upgrades automatically.

Disabling the Windows Client Upgrade setting will NOT notify the client of a new upgrade availability.

Mobile Access

By default, your MangoApps domain can be accessed from the native mobile applications. Network admins can configure the mobile access to with additional security by enabling Touch ID/PIN on it.

Users requires to set a Touch ID/PIN to access via mobile: Force users to enter a mobile PIN (MPIN) or touch ID (finger print) when they try to access MangoApps via the native mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android.

  • Never: Never ask for the touch ID/MPIN to access the domain.

  • After 4 hours: Prompt the users to re-enter the touch ID/MPIN after every 4 hours on launch of the app.

  • After 8 hours: Prompt the users to re-enter the touch ID/MPIN after every 8 hours on launch of the app.

  • After 24 hours: Prompt the users to re-enter the touch ID/MPIN after every 24 hours on launch of the app.

  • Always: Prompt the users to re-enter the touch ID/MPIN every time they launch the app.

iPhone: Mark the checkbox to allow users to access your MangoApps domain via iPhone devices.

iPad: Mark the checkbox to allow users to access your MangoApps domain via iPad devices.

Android: Mark the checkbox to allow users to access your MangoApps domain via Android devices.

Enable IP based setting: Mark the checkbox to apply IP based access configured in the Browser Access tab to mobile clients.

The system will automatically prompt the user to set a Touch ID/MPIN the first time after changes have been made and applied to the Touch ID/PIN access settings.

Last updated