

You can view the list of items that are in moderation queue. There are three statuses:

  • Pending: It lists the items that are in pending status.

  • Approved: It lists the items that are in approved status.

  • Declined: It lists the items that are in declined status.

Queue has the following columns:

  • User: It shows user who posted the content with their picture and name.

  • Content: It shows the content which requires moderation.

  • Team: Name of the team in which content is posted.

  • Posted On: Date when the content was posted.

  • Status: It is the status of moderation, which by default is pending.

  • Action: Moderator upon reviewing the content can either Approve or Decline the content, which in turn will change the status.

  • Three dots:

    • Message User: This will open a private message dialog box. This will send the private message to the content submitter.

    • View and Edit: Moderator has the permission to view any comment/reply/questions/ that is present in the moderation queue and edit it. Moderators can approve and delete the feed directly.

Bulk actions

  • The ability to select multiple items in the moderation queue and take action on them is supported.

  • In the pending queue, mass actions to approve or decline are supported.

  • In the approved queue, mass actions to change to pending or decline are supported.

  • In the declined queue, mass actions to change to pending or approve are supported.

Last updated