General Settings

Configuring domain-wide location settings

Domain-Wide General Settings

  1. Enable configuration of office locations: Click the toggle bar to activate/deactivate the feature to add office locations to your domain. MangoApps automatically creates a company office locations page when you add at least one office location -

  2. Location Label: Enter the preferred text in the Location Label text box displayed for office location on a user's profile.

  3. Headquarter Label: Enter the preferred text in the Headquarter Label text box for office locations marked as the headquarter on a company office locations page and in office locations list on the Admin Portal.

  4. Show My Office Location List: Select the option to sort the office locations' list either A-Z or based on a user's location.

  5. Save: Click the Save button to apply the chosen settings.

Only network admins can add, edit, and delete office locations.

Showing Office Location on a User's Profile

By default, MangoApps does NOT display a user's office location on their profile. As a network admin, you can add the office location field on the profile of all the users from the Admin Portal. To do so:

  1. Go to Admin Portal > Modules > People > Full Profile.

  2. Mark the office location field to enable it on the users' profile.

  3. Click the Save Settings button.

Last updated