Location Fields
Configuring the fields for office locations
Last updated
Configuring the fields for office locations
Last updated
Admins can edit existing fields or create new custom fields for office locations.
These fields are displayed when a new location is being added using the Add Locations button and on the locations details menu in the Company module.
Admins can also map these fields to external servers and data sources using webhooks. See Webhooks for more information.
Mandatory fields: The list includes 3 system default fields (Office Image, Name, Address) and 1 system default section (Summary). These fields cannot be unchecked.
Optional fields: MangoApps includes a handful of optional fields that can help provide additional information for an office location. These fields can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping the fields in the list. These fields can also be omitted from location details and location set up menus by unchecking the associated check box.
Click the Setup Additional Fields button to add a new custom field for the office locations.
Click the Add a Section button to add a new section to the location fields on the location details menu. This new section will be added below the Additional Information section.
These sections can be re-ordered in the list as well via drag-and-drop.
The Summary section will always be listed first.
Click the Add & Edit Location Fields button to access the Setup Custom Fields menu for locations.
In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up, click the New Custom Field button.
Enter the Title for the new custom field in the Field Name text box. This is the title which will appear on a location's details sheet if the custom field is enabled.
Select the Type of the Field from the drop-down list.
Optionally, mark the Available as Search Filter check box to add the custom field to the search filters list on the User Portal to allow users to search for locations and location groups using the custom fields.
Once satisfied, click the Save button.
Editing a Custom Field
Deleting a Custom Field
In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up, click the(three dots) button for a field and then click Edit to edit the custom field.
In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up menu, click the(three dots) button for a field and then click Delete to delete the custom field.