

The Employee Vault’s audit log provides a comprehensive record of all activities and changes within the vault. This feature ensures transparency and security by tracking various operations performed on folders and files.

Tracked Operations in the Vault Audit Log

The following operations are meticulously tracked in the audit log:

  • Folder Created: Logged when a new folder is created.

  • Folder Renamed: Logged when a folder is renamed.

  • Folder Deactivated: Logged when a folder is disabled.

  • Folder Deleted: Logged when a folder is deleted.

  • Item Added: Logged when a new file is added to any vault.

  • Item Viewed: Logged when a file is viewed from any vault.

  • Item Downloaded: Logged when a file is downloaded from any vault.

  • Item Moved: Logged when a file is moved from one vault folder to another.

  • Item Deleted: Logged when a file is deleted from any vault.

  • User Vault 2FA Reset: Logged when a user’s two-factor authentication for their vault is reset.

  • User Vault Activated: Logged when a user’s vault is activated.

  • User Vault Deactivated: Logged when a user’s vault is deactivated.

  • Scheduled Run: Logged when the integration auto-schedule is run to add items to all vaults.

  • Manual Run: Logged when the integration is run manually to add items to all vaults.

Dashboard Overview

The vault audit log is accessible via a user-friendly dashboard, providing detailed insights into vault activities. The dashboard displays the following information:

  • User: The name of the user associated with the activity.

  • Vault: The type of vault involved, such as monthly payslips or yearly tax documents.

  • Item: The types of items that were added, viewed, downloaded, moved, or deleted.

  • Action: Details of the actions performed, such as user vault activation, deactivation, or 2FA reset.

  • When: The date and time details of each vault activity and change.

  • IP Address: The IP address from which the action was performed.

Ensuring Security and Accountability

By logging all these activities, the Employee Vault audit log helps ensure security and accountability, allowing admins to monitor and review all interactions with the vault. This comprehensive logging system is essential for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive employee documents.

Whether it’s a scheduled integration run or a manual sync, every action is recorded, providing a clear and detailed history of all vault-related activities. This helps in troubleshooting, compliance, and ensuring that all operations are performed according to organizational policies.

Last updated