Guest Users


MangoApps provides flexible user management through domain-wide permissions and team-level member types. This guide explains the capabilities of Guest Users, the differences between Guest Users and Network Users, and the steps to create and manage Guest Users.

Domain-Wide User Permission Levels

MangoApps supports three main types of domain user permissions:

1. Creator/Administrator (Network Admin)

  • Full access to all content, users, groups, and projects.

  • Manages administrative settings and permissions.

2. Network User

  • Regular users without administrative privileges.

  • Access can be limited to internal email domains or extended to external addresses by the Domain Administrator.

  • Can be promoted to Team Admins and/or given limited administrative permissions within the domain.

3. Guest User

  • Restricted to specific groups and projects they are explicitly invited to.

  • Cannot access domain-wide content or communications outside their assigned groups/projects.

Capabilities of Guest Users

Guest Users are non-paid, restricted members who interact within the confines of specific groups or projects.

  • Visibility: Can only view the groups and projects they are invited to.

  • Communication: Can only communicate with team members within their groups/projects.

  • Domain Access: Cannot search or view content outside of their groups/projects.

  • Free Membership: Do not count towards the domain’s subscription cost.

  • Email Domain: Must have an external email domain (different from the domain owner’s).

Key Differences Between Guest and Network Users

Guest User
Network User

Subscription Cost



Domain-Wide Access



Colleague Following

Not Allowed


External Email Support



Communication Scope

Restricted to assigned groups/projects


Removal Rights

Removable by group/project teammates

Only by Admins

Team Membership

Can join multiple teams

Can join and create teams

FAQs About Guest Users

Do I pay for Guest Users?

No, Guest Users are free and unlimited within MangoApps.

Can Guest Users interact with others outside their groups?

No, Guest Users are limited to the groups or projects they belong to.

Can Guest Users access private messages?

Yes, if they are not part of any group, they still retain access to their private messages.

Last updated