

Categorizing email campaigns within your MangoApps domain can significantly enhance organization and streamline search processes for employees. Network admins can add and manage these categories from the Categories tab within the Admin Portal.

List of categories

Browse through the list to see all the categories previously created by network admins and intranet admins in your domain. Drag and drop categories to reorder them to your preference. This is the order that will appear in the dropdown menu when creating a campaign in the user portal.

Editing or Deleting Categories

To make changes, select the category you wish to modify and click on the Edit option from the 3-Dot Action menu. Alternatively, if a category is no longer needed, click on Delete to remove it from the list.

Once a category has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Any campaigns previously associated with the deleted category will remain, but they will no longer be assigned to any category.

New Category

Click the New Category button along the top right hand side to add a new category.

Add New Category

Click on the New Category button in the top right of the screen. A pop-up window will appear prompting you to input the name of the new category into the designated Category Name text box.

Once you've named your category, click Save to confirm and add it to the list.

Last updated