
Compile and organize your company's crucial documents


The new Libraries module makes it easy to store and find your company's crucial documents.

To access Libraries, click on Libraries from the left-hand navigation panel.

Manage Your Libraries

To manage your Libraries, click on Go to Admin in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  1. All Libraries: All libraries active on your site

  2. Settings: Configure the settings of your libraries

  3. Add New Library: Create a new library on your site

Create a New Library

To create a new Library, first select Add New Library.

  1. Name your library. Your library title is limited to 100 characters or fewer

  2. Provide a short description for your Library. The description is limited to 500 characters or fewer.

  3. Select an icon and color

  4. Select who can add or remove items from the library. You can select from:

    1. Domain Admins only

    2. Domain and Intranet Admins only

    3. Any Network User

  5. Click on Save once you are satisfied

Manage an Individual Library

Hover over a Library you would like to configure.

  1. Manage Categories: Create and manage categories within a category. You libraries can have as many categories as you need.

  2. View Library: View the library and its items. You can also add items from here.

  3. Three Dot Menu: Edit or delete the selected library

Add a Library Category

When you hover over a library you can select Manage Categories.

Next, click on +Add New Category from the bottom of the dialog box.

Type the name of the new category, then select Save. Your new category will be immediately added.

Add Items to a Library

Hover over a library and select View Library

Then, click on Add Items from the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  1. Select the Library you want to add the item to

  2. Select the Category you want to add the item to

  3. Select the Item Type. Choose from:

    1. Form: Forms that have been shared can be added as items in the library.

    2. File: Files that have full company permission or in public teams can be added as items in the library.

    3. Post: Posts that are company posts or in public teams can be added as items in the library

    4. Wiki: Wikis that are in public teams can be added as items in the library

    5. Simple Link: Create a quick,direct access link to specific URLs

    6. Condition Based Link: Create links based on conditions. Specific URL configured is opened based on the condition evaluating to true.

  4. Cancel the process

  5. If you only have one item to add, click on Save and Close

  6. If you have multiple items to add, click on Save and Add More

If you select Files, the file you need to add to the library must have already been added to your file manager.

A simple link is a library item configured to open a direct link/URL, which can be both external or internal.Let's quickly see how we can configure a simple link when adding a new library item.

  1. Once you are in the Library module, click on 'Add Items' which will open the dialog box to add new library items.Once you have selected the specific Library and Category, select 'Simple Link' for 'Item Type'.

  2. Enter the link 'Title' of your choice.

  3. Enter the URL in the 'Link' section.

  4. Now, you can add a 'Description' for the link.

  5. Select the option to open the link in a new tab or the current tab.

  6. Click on Save & Close or Save and Add More.

Once it is saved, it will create a new Simple Link library item. An user clicking this link will directly go to the URL configured in the link as per Step 3 above.

A condition based link is a library item which have links/URL configured based on conditions.Depending on the condition evaluating to true, the appropriate URL is opened when the user clicks on it. Both external and internal URL can be used.

Let's look at the steps how we can configure condition based links when adding a new library item.

  1. Once you are in the Library module, click on 'Add Items' which will open the dialog box to add new library items.Once you have selected the specific Library and Category, select 'Condition Based Link' for 'Item Type'.

  2. From the 'When' section, select the appropriate condition that is required for the link. For the purpose of explanation, as a part of the steps, we will select 'Departments' here

3. Now with 'Departments' selected as the factor for differentiating between the conditions, we add the conditions.

4.This the default condition which will be used if either of the below conditions are not true and the mentioned URL opened. This is optional.

5. Additional conditions are the ones where we need to enter the actual conditions we require.In this example here, we are configuring the access for the employee portal link in such a way that users who are member of the 'HR' department will only see the link title as 'E-Portal-HR' in their library and when clicked will be directed to the URL mentioned for that condition. Similarly, users who are member of the 'Finance' department will see the link title as 'E-Portal-Finance' in their library and upon clicking will open the URL mentioned.

In this example screenshot, we are showing that the employee portal have different access for the Finance and HR departments, hence different links for the same portal.

6. You can then add a description for the link.

7. Now you can select a link color and icon.

8. Select if you want the links to open in the same tab or a new tab.

9. With all configuration information entered now, you can select either of the save options available.

Please note, that all of this above are admin actions and can be configured by the Network Admin.

In addition to departments, you can also select the below options. Here's a brief description on them.

  • Title - This is based on the job title mentioned in MangoApps. The job title can be synced from Active Directory as well.

  • Organizations - This is based on the users assigned to different child organizations created from the 'users' module.

  • Platform - This is based on the platform(web or mobile), the MangoApps portal is being accessed from.

  • Projects - This is used to specify different links for users belonging to different projects.

  • Groups - This is used to specify different links for users belonging to different groups.

  • Departments - This is used to specify different links for users belonging to different departments.

  • Office Locations - This is based on users belonging to different location groups can access the links specific to their locations.

  • User Type - This is based on who is accessing the library link, a network user or a guest user.

We can add multiple conditions though the above example only show two conditions, for the simplicity of understanding. Hence, in scenarios, where more than one condition is met, for example, if an user is a member of both the HR and Finance departments as per the above example, then the user will be seeing both the links for HR and Finance when they access libraries.

In a scenario, where users, accessing the library and not belonging to either of the HR or Finance departments, will be directed to the default link condition when they click on it.

Last updated