
Domain-wide analytics reports for ROI, user engagement, content & more

MangoApps ROI and Analytics Reports gather important insight into company usage and user engagement to determine your company’s average monthly savings, employee hours saved, employee engagement levels, and much more.


User Adoption Dashboard

Access and explore domain user insights. Learn which department utilizes your MangoApps domain most, where your most active users are logging in from, what their preferred method of access is, and more. Apply the data found to pinpoint ways to improve your domain’s adoption levels across all teams and devices.

ROI Dashboard For Company Insights

Get direct insight into the company’s average dollar savings per month, the employee hours freed up, and quantify where those savings are or how they can be reinvested. Gain useful metrics necessary for calculating the ROI of your MangoApps solution, and realize the ultimate impact on company-wide productivity.

User Engagement at The Employee-Level

Get a breakdown of highly-engaged vs engaged vs moderately-engaged vs non-engaged employees every month. Use the report and suggestions made to move employee engagement to the next level and build best practices based on power users to encourage greater adoption.

Gauging Adoption Based On ROI

The more active users are in MangoApps, the higher the ROI will be. We recommend about 6 months before taking your ROI seriously, but can always be used as an easy means of gauging the business’s level of adoption.

Content Analytics Provide Useful Insights

Get insights to views, likes, and the comments on them. Monitor the engagement and popularity of new content as it is introduced to the network. Understand when users are the most active, or what type of posts create the most favorable response.

Track and Monitor User Login Activity

Admins can get to know the login activity of members in the domain for the last 90 days. Directly in the admin dashboard, the login graph shows the total number of user logins per day, unique logins, and new user signs. This report can be downloaded and grouped to look at unique data for platform/device.

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