Configuring the locations and location-based groups on your domain
Last updated
Configuring the locations and location-based groups on your domain
Last updated
As a network admin you can configure the office locations and location-based groups for all users on your domain.
Edit: Modify the office location information.
Delete: Delete the office location from your domain.
Associate Location Group: Create a new location group or assign an existing group with the office location. Converts a general group into a location based group.
Disassociate Location Group: Remove the associated location group with the office location.
Re-sync Location Detail: Refresh the office locations details from the specified API in Webhook or Import via API.
Create Groups: Click the Create Groups button to add location-based groups on your domain. MangoApps automatically manages the membership for these groups based on a user's office location. Location-based groups have the same permissions as private groups in MangoApps.
Add Locations: Click the Add Locations button to a new office location on your domain. You can customize the location fields appearing in the Add Location pop-up using the Location Fields tab. MangoApps automatically creates a company office locations page when you add at least one office location - https://your_domain_name.mangoapps.com/sites/office_locations
Import New Location: Click the Import New Location button to bulk import office locations from a .xlsx or a .csv file.
Import via API: Click the Import via API button to import an office location from an API.
The external system ID for the request and response parameters MUST match your third-party API field for successful exchanges. Refer your third-party API specifications for the API fields for locations.
Quick Find: Enter the preferred keyword in the Quick Find search box to search within office locations list.
Only network admins can edit and delete locations.
Deleting an office location archives the location-based group and all its content.
Associating a location group changes the general group to a location-based group in MangoApps. Members are managed automatically of this associated group. If you associate an existing group with an office location only the members with the matching office location are retained and others are deleted from the group.
Disassociating a location group changes the location-based group to a general group in MangoApps. You need to manage the members of this disassociated group manually like other MangoApps groups. The disassociated group has the same permissions as private groups in MangoApps.
You can add office locations as a headquarter or a general business office in MangoApps. To add a new office location:
Click the Add Locations button to open the Add Location pop-up.
Enter the basic information for the office location in the Basic Information tab. Add an image for the location. If do not add an image, the office location displays a map view as the image. To add the location as a headquarter and add a Headquarter label to it, check the Mark this location as Our Headquarter check box. The Headquarter Label can be customized in the General Settings tab (Admin Portal > Domain > Locations > General Settings). Click Next.
Enter additional information for the office location in the Additional Information tab such as location summary, special instructions, emergency contacts, and associated locations. Select the type of office location as Office in the Location Type drop-down. Click Next.
Select the Create Group for this location option to create a location-based group for the office location. Enter the name and group admins. You can choose to associate an existing group to the office location or choose not to create a location-based group.
Click the Save button to add the new location.
Associated Locations serve only the purpose of linking office locations. No data is shared when office locations are associated to one another.
You can setup holiday for the new office location in the Holidays settings. See Holidays for more information.
Location-based groups automatically manage the membership of users. For example, if a user changes his office location from MangoApps Seattle to MangoApps Pune in their user profile, they will be removed from the Seattle Office group and added to the Pune Office group automatically. Location-based groups have the same permissions as private groups in MangoApps. You can create location-based groups only for the office locations which do NOT have an existing group associated to them. To create a location-based group:
Click the Create Groups button to open the Create Location Based Groups pop-up.
Enter the group name in the Group Name text box, enter additional information in the Description text box, add the group admin in the Group Admins text box.
Click the toggle bar to enable and create a location-based group.
Click the Create Groups button to create a location-based group for the office location on your domain.
You can bulk import office locations using a .xlsx or .csv file. To import from a .xlsx/.csv file:
Select Import from xlsx/Import from csv to import from a .xlsx/.csv file. You can download a sample .pdf or .csv file for reference using the Download sample xlsx/Download sample csv link. You can also download a list of reference values using the Download reference values link for the import
Click the Choose File button, browse to the preferred file, select the file and then click Open.
Select Skip existing location if you are using a previously used file and skip the matching location records from the file. OR
Select Update existing location if you are using a previously used file update the records for the matching locations from the file.
Click the Import Now button.
You can import an office location via API. To do so:
Select the method and specify the API URL.
Enter the external system ID for request and response parameters in the API Field text box and select the MangoApps location field from the MangoApps Field drop-down to map the data. Click the + Add button to add more request and response parameters and click the Remove button to remove a request and response parameters.
Click the Save button.
The external system ID for the request and response parameters MUST match your third-party API field for successful exchanges. Refer your third-party API specifications for the API fields for locations.
Import via API depends on location webhooks. See Webhooks for more information.
List of Office Locations: List of all office locations added on your domain. You can show/hide the fields in the list by clicking on the(Manage Settings) button.
Actions: Hover over the(three dots) button to open the pop-up and then click Edit or Delete or Associate Location Group or Disassociate Location Group or Re-sync Location Detail.
Manage Settings: Click the(Manage Settings) button to open the pop-up and then click Show/Hide Fields to select the location fields to show/hide in the office locations list in the Admin Portal. You can choose maximum 7 fields (including the mandatory image and name fields) to display for the office locations list view.
Other methods to add office locations: Hover over the(down arrow) button to view the other methods related to adding locations.
Hover over the(down arrow) button and click Import New Location to open the Import New Location pop-up.
Hover over the(down arrow) button and click Import via API open the Import via API pop-up.