Deprecated Features By Release
Features that are no longer supported in current MangoApps builds
Release 18.0
This section includes releases 18.0 - 18.1
File sync client goes to end of life (downloads page will have it removed)
Organization type 2 goes to end of life (admin UI will have org 2 removed)
Analytics "Activity tab" goes to end of life. Content statistics and team usage reports are to be used to get these insights (will be removed from the UI)
Social bar removed. Any customers who had the Social bar setting will be shifted to Webchat
Screenshare removed for all customers
Interactive Org Chart is removed
Release 17.0
This section includes releases 17.0-17.3
No update.
Release 16.0
This section includes releases 16.0-16.1
Team news feed top area
Multiple links to share a status update, question, post, wiki etc have been removed.
Share an update (if enabled for the team member) is the only action that will be available directly on the UI. All other types of content can still be created via the Compose
When compose is opened from the team, it will automatically pre-select the team so the user does not need to
User's filter, sort, view type last used on web
Now within a user session only, the last used filter, sort, view type by the user are automatically remembered where applicable. A user session is active until the browser is closed/exited.
When the user session ends, the last used filter, sort, view type selection will be automatically reset back to admin (or system) default of your domain
Ad-hoc chat groups
When creating a new ad-hoc chat group, the list of teams shown to select for membership of the new ad-hoc chat group will be user's teams with chat module enabled only
Chat notifications in web chat (full view)
Chat notifications from web chat (full view) has been removed
Chat notifications for reactions & important messages are now merged under the consolidated notifications bell in the top nav bar
Network analytics
This will be shown only to network admins (in admin portal)
The setting to show it to network users has been removed.
FAQs have been removed from the recognitions module
They will be available in the help guides
Legacy templates in pages
Page templates under the legacy tab when creating a new page are being deprecated.
All types of page layouts that are supported by legacy templates can be accomplished with modern template in much easier & more flexible ways
One of the future releases of MangoApps the legacy tab & the templates under it will be removed.
Release 15.0
This section includes releases 15.0-15.7
As the list view of the survey module was enhanced the grid view for surveys has been removed
As the list view of the quiz module was enhanced the grid view for quizzes has been removed
Chat bar view has been deprecated and will be removed in Mango 16.0 (Jan 2022)
Removed the extra/unused people roles & competency tabs in the people module
Release 14.0
This section includes releases 14.0-14.3
Active Directory/LDAP Sync
Hourly sync of user data has been removed and instead a 8 hour sync cycle has been added. This has been done as user & group sync for domains (> 2000 users) takes > 1 hour to complete. This caused multiple hourly syncs to be active for the same domain at the same time causing data issues. Along with a 8 hour sync cycle, changes to basic user profile data will happen on usersâ next successful login (when sync profile on login setting is ON) if the login happens before the 8 hour cycle.
Active Users Report
Active users report earlier used to report users who have 2 or more than read/write activities in the time period selected. This has been changed now to include users with 1 or more read/write activities.
View counts, acknowledged counts & who has viewed/acknowledged a post
The list of users who have viewed/acknowledged a company-wide post will now be visible to the post author, company admins and domain admins ONLY via âInsightsâ
The list of users who have viewed/acknowledged a team-wide post will now be visible to the post author and team admins ONLY via âInsightsâ
Default folder for team files attached to news feed
When a file is attached to a status update, question, post etc in a team it will now automatically be uploaded in a new system folder called âattachmentsâ under the team folder (instead of directly under the team folder)
All existing files that are attached to news feed which were directly under the team folder will be automatically migrated to the new system folder âattachmentsâ
There will be no change to file permissions as part of this change. Files will continue to be accessible as before to team members
In the file sync client the new system folder âattachmentsâ will be available for selective sync
Users will still be able to upload files directly under the team folder from the files module
Teams list dropdown
When inside a project/group/department, ability to switch to another team using the team name dropdown has been moved to open on a âClickâ instead of âHoverâ.
This change has been done to eliminate the dropdown coming in the way of doing search or clicking on the team modules
Post template voice enabled setting
Make post voice enables setting in the out-of-the-box template by default will now be OFF
End user creating the post can still turn it ON for the post they need
Screen share link auto copy
Auto copy of the screen share URL to clipboa rd on launch of the screen share has been removed (reason: automatic access to clipboard is not supported by most browsers)
Notifications Bell
The notifications bell icon that used to be all news feed, activities and unread chats has been replaced by
Notification center of your PC / Mac which will now show the MangoApps notifications as per your / your organizationâs notification center settings. This will enable you to receive MangoApps notifications when you donât have MangoApps user portal opened in your browser.
New activities tab in news feed has been added which will show the activities relevant to you making News Feed the single place for users to check
Unread chats icon has been added in the top bar
This change has been done to address customer feedback received around notifications which included,
Too many items in the notifications bell so donât pay any attention to notifications and only use news feed
Donât want notifications to mark news-feed as read because if I accidentally mark a notification as read, I donât know how to undo it. (Feels like I will miss something)
The notifications icon in the mobile app also has been removed to remain aligned with the web platform
News Feed Filters
News feed filters of âAll Feedsâ which showed the public team feeds has been removed
Unread filter has been removed and replaced with the new Unread tab in News feed module
Notifications Widget Renamed to Activities Widget
The notifications widget on the dashboard will show the activities that are relevant to you
This will match what the user sees in the News feed > Activities tab
Web IM Bar / IM Changes
Go offline on Web IM bar has been removed to simplify the IM experience on web
Online on mobile status has been removed and replaced with just âOnlineâ. The user is âOnlineâ when they are in the mobile app. There status automatically changes to âIdleâ (when app in background if they have push notification on) or âOfflineâ (when app in background and they do ânotâ have push notification on)
IM & File Sync Split in 2 New Clients
Windows & Mac desktop client functionality of IM & File Sync has been split into two faster & modern desktop / mac clients.
One client handling the IM, Screen Share, Video/Audio calling & Real time notifications. The other re-designed client handling the file sync functionality for both windows & mac.
Additional Changes
The default name of Media Library module has been changed to Media Center (to avoid with the new Libraries module)
Release 13.0
This section includes releases 13.0-13.1
Sharing a post with followers only has been removed
Ability to share a post with followers has been removed. Network & guest users can create & share a post with one or more teams. Domain & intranet admins can create & share a post with everyone and in teams.
Post templates change
The top level âTemplatesâ option in the admin portal navigation which listed all the post templates has been moved under Modules > Posts > Templates
The earlier post newsletter template has been removed and replaced by 5 ready-to-use & customizable post templates (with zero HTML/CSS programming & designer skills)
Post feature image change
The featured image for dimensions for the post has been changes to now be 1.61(w) x 1(h).
Existing featured images in posts in general should not see this change
Self-Destructing Instant Messages
Ability to send a self-destructing message has been removed from the product (May 2019)
Release 12.0
This section includes releases 12.0-12.13
AD/LDAP options to control user edit & sync
Edit control: The option whether user can edit the synced AD field or not on their profile has been removed from AD/LDAP configuration screen. Domain admins now can configure whether a user profile field is editable or not by a user from the Modules > People > Full Profile page.
Sync control: Leaving the mapping field blank now indicates that the field will not be synced from AD.
Edit of email address by users
The checkbox to âAllow users to edit their email isâ from Modules > People > Settings > Advanced option has been removed. Domain admins now can configure whether a user can edit their email address by selecting the âEmail Idâ field under Modules > People > Full Profile page and changing itâs âEdit modeâ property.
If âEdit Modeâ property for email id is set to âEditableâ, then the user can edit their own email address on their profile.
If âEdit Modeâ property for email id is set to be âRead Onlyâ, then the user cannot edit their own email address (only domain admins can edit the userâs email address in this case).
Work skills user profile field
Works skills text box has been deprecated. It has been replaced by a new âSkillsâ field on userâs profile.
List of skills master data can be set by the domains admins from under Modules > People > Skills.
Users on their profile page can pick from the master skills list to add to their profile page.
Filtering by content type in my feeds
Filter dropdown that listed all types of content under âMy Feedsâ has been removed. Itâs been replaced by the advanced search bar in news feeds. To turn on the advanced search bar which enables searching by content type along with other attributes goto Change My Settings > News Feed > Feed Display and set âSelect feeds filtering optionâ to âAdvanced searchâ.
Pin of news feed has been simplified
The pin dropdown which lists the different reasons to pin has been removed. Pin is now a 1-click action
The items that are pinned will continue to appear under âNews Feed > Pinnedâ tab
Office fun & Birthday gifts modules have been replaced
Office fun & birthday gifts module have been removed and have been replaced by the new greetings module
Birthdays is now a category inside the âGreetingsâ module with better choice of birthday greetings to give to co-workers
Event RSVP option
âMay be attendingâ option has been removed from event
Events will now have only 2 RSVP options â Attending & Not Attending
Chat & Other Miscellaneous changes:
Chats as a module is now available in teams (projects, groups & departments) with up to 100 members
Training videos have not be consolidated as an option under the âHelp Centerâ. They have been removed from the top navigation bar.
Locations Profile Field: With the introduction of Office Locations in this release the current locations profile field is being deprecated. At this time all user profile location information continues to remain as it was before. However we recommend moving your data from location field to office locations field over the next couple of months. Eventually the locations field would be removed and we would only have office locations moving forward.
Org Chat: The organization chart changes made in release 12.11 for panning, zoom and tree layout are being rolled back in favor of the earlier version of org chart with some UI improvements.
Address field on profile: With the introduction of a new section on profile called âAddressesâ that supports standard address formats and multiple addresses for work & home the current single address text field in contact details has been deprecated starting this release. For users who have the single address text field filled in, it would still continue to be shown on their profile at this time. However we recommend domain admins to move to the new address section to capture addresses.
JavaScript on Pages: From this release onwards only domain admins & intranet admins will be able to embed Javascript code on pages. Team admins will not be able add or edit the Javascript code. This is being done to prevent data privacy leak via custom javascript code by collecting user information when users visit a team page. Domain admins can still add/edit custom javascript code on company, team & department pages while intranet admins can add Javascript code to intranet & department pages only. Like before domain admins can completely turn off this capability for everyone (including domain admins & intranet admins) if they want to from the admin portal.
Compose Dialog on Web: From this release onwards the universal compose dialog on web has been simplified to not have tabs. When you select a type of post to share you will not have the option to switch over to another type in the compose dialog.
Crowdsourced Translations + Google Auto Translate: Translations done via the translation UI are no longer compatible with the latest MangoApps software stack and so the ability to translate strings directly from the UI has been removed. The google auto translation of web portal has also been removed and at this time MangoApps web & mobile is translated into 5 languages out-of-the-box in addition to english â Dutch, Chinese, German, French & Spanish. Please use the âReport Translation Issuesâ option in the help center to submit the changes to translated/non-translated strings that you would like to see happen in MangoApps
SugarCRM: SugarCRM based integration has been removed because there are no known customers using it and there APIs are no longer compatible with the latest secure MangoApps software stack. In future when the vendor SugarCRM provides a compatible API and there is a market driver, MangoApps may plan to re-build and introduce it back.
Polls: Responses on a poll will now be pushed as pure notifications only depending on the recipientâs notification settings and the poll feed will not be pushed to the top of your news feed. The settings to control the poll response notifications can be setup in your âConfigure Whatâs Importantâ dialog under Change My Settings > Notifications.
Wikis: In wikis module the âAll Wikisâ is now the default 3rd tab. âMy Wikisâ option has been moved inside the dropdown.
Location Sharing: Due to large battery consumption the location sharing functionality has been removed from the MangoApps mobile apps.
ToDo: Ability to group to-dos by due date has been removed. This has been replaced with ability to sort todos by due date.
RTB with Media Widget: The link field in the media widget has been deprecated. This has been replaced with the Link To field value entered in the media dialog when selecting the image/video to use.
Timesheets: Timesheets in MangoApps are being deprecated and will be removed in one of the upcoming releases. We plan to integrate with other apps to provide this functionality.
Secret Teams: âSecret âprojects & groups have been renamed and are now called as âUnlistedâ . This change applies to both existing and new projects/groups.
People Search: In people look-ahead search, guest users will no longer be listed. This now aligns with the people you see in the people directory page as well.
Events from Public Teams in Calendar: From this release onwards, events in âpublicâ teams that you arenât a member of wonât show up in your calendar. Events from all teams (projects, groups, departments) that youâre a member of will continue to show up as before.
Guest Users in People Search: From this release onwards, the search type ahead in people module will not list guest users. This is done to match the people directory list.
Edit of Excel Files: From this release onwards, the menu on the file viewer to edit excel documents in windows office plugin has been removed. This has been done to address this issue â To edit excel documents we recommend using Office 365 Online which provides editing capabilities inside the browser without having to download the file (More info on online editing & viewing of excel documents is here â )
Web Platform:
Company Post UI Views: The posts UI views of grid & list have been permanently removed from this release and the new posts UI is the only available view. (The communication around this was made a few months back in our release 12.2 here â
Desktop/Mac Clients:
Default setting for File Sync & Office Plugin: As part of a new install the following modules are by default turned OFF from now onwards.
File Sync module (Windows & Mac)
Office Plugin (Windows only)
Note: The users still have the option to turn these modules ON from the preferences dialog.
Posts UI Filter Types: The existing posts UIs filters of grid & list are being deprecated in this release with the introduction of the new engaging posts UI.
Private chats tab in profile: This tab has been removed and replaced by the chat module in your primary navigation. Chat module would aggregate all your private chats, ad-hoc chats and team chats at one place making all your conversations easily accessible and searchable.
Ability to set the âfrom email addressâ for outgoing emails has been removed. This capability has been removed from shared cloud deployments as in almost all cases we found that the emails didnât get delivered because SPF records werenât set (This setting is still supported for private cloud & on-premise customers).
On MangoApps for desktop & mac clients the fly-out to show the feed details has been removed and replaced by a link âView detailsâ which opens the details in a web browser.
Release 11.0
We have removed functionalities that are under-utilized or that can be accomplished much better via an alternative mechanism. This will ensure that we provide the best experience & functionality to all our customers
Co-Authoring functionality in office plugin has been deprecated and has been replaced by a simplified & intuitive lock & authoring of document
With the release of new tasks management UX, the 3 buckets â working, pending & queued have been replaced with drag n droppable single list of tasks
Huddle video conferencing and screen sharing is now an integration with leading services GoToMeeting and Join.Me. An account with one of these providers is now required to use Huddle.
Release 10.0
We have removed features that have become redundant or duplicated to make it less confusing for your users.
Ability to post on a userâs wall capability has been deprecated.
Link library module inside each team has been removed. You can view the links you have shared under My Links Library on your profile page.
Apps only dashboard has been removed.
Teams dashboard showing feeds has been removed. You can view your project & groups updates using the new filters in news feed.
On windows desktop, the list of files has been replaced by the file sync summary tab. For list of folders 2 links have been provided â one to access them locally (if synched) and the other link to access them on the web (when not synched)
Free plan (US datacenter only)
Last updated