
Configuring the External Document Repositories for your domain

For detailed integration walkthroughs, check out the Integrations Guides section.


MangoApps provides support for integrating external document repositories, allowing seamless access and management of files across various platforms. This guide outlines how to configure and manage these integrations to enhance productivity within your MangoApps domain.

Supported External Document Repositories

MangoApps supports integration with the following external document repositories:

These integrations enable users to attach files stored in these repositories to updates, posts, comments, private messages, wikis, pages, and any other areas featuring an 'Attach' button in MangoApps.

Users can fetch files from the configured external repositories, and can manually publish files to the repository for which they have the owner privileges.

Enabling and Configuring External Document Repositories

Administrators can enable, disable, and configure external document repositories for all users within the Files module.

Configuration Process:

  • Toggle Switch: Toggle the switch next to the preferred external document repository to connect it to your MangoApps domain.

  • Edit Configuration: Click the Edit button corresponding to the repository to configure its settings.

  • Save Settings: After configuring, click 'Save Settings' to apply the repository settings to the Files module.

Brief Configuration Instructions for Select Repositories

Microsoft Office 365 Integration

Enables creation, editing, and co-editing of Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files directly within MangoApps.

Configuration Steps:

  • Enable Office 365 Integration checkbox.

  • Enter Account Name, Server URL, Auth Policy, Username (full email address), and Password.

  • Test Connection to ensure successful setup.

  • Save Settings to activate Office 365 integration.

Windows File Server Integration:

Facilitates access and management of files stored on Windows File Servers.

  • Configuration Steps:

    • Enable Windows Server Integration checkbox.

    • Enter Account Name, Username (login ID), Password, and Server URLs (multiple can be added).

    • Test Connection to verify setup.

    • Save Settings to activate Windows File Server integration.

Probox Integration:

Integrates Probox storage services for seamless file access and management.

  • Configuration Steps:

    • Enable Probox Integration checkbox.

    • Enter Account Name, Server URL, Service Name, Realm (enter 'OSDP' if not provided), Username (login ID), and Password.

    • Test Connection to validate configuration.

    • Save Settings to activate Probox integration.

Additional Notes

Ensure that proper credentials and URLs are entered accurately during configuration to establish successful connections.

Users with appropriate permissions can utilize these integrations to fetch files from external repositories and publish files where they have owner privileges.

By configuring these external document repositories in MangoApps, you empower your users to efficiently collaborate and manage files across different platforms directly within the MangoApps environment.

Last updated