Setting up the Departments module
Last updated
Setting up the Departments module
Last updated
The Departments module allows you to organize your intranet based on company departments. It enables the creation of department pages, sharing of updates, news, and announcements relevant to each department.
Network admins can configure the Departments module, including changing its default system label and other domain-wide settings.
Allows you to enter a custom label for the Departments module to better align with your company’s terminology. Activating or deactivating the Translate option resets any custom label text.
The Translate option (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) must be deactivated in order to edit the module label.
This option determines how departments are listed.
Options include:
Name (Ascending or Descending)
Latest Activity (Ascending or Descending)
Mark the checkbox to allow only network admins and intranet admins to create department categories from the User Portal.
Restrict category creation: If unmarked, any network user can create department categories.
Require category for departments: Mark the checkbox to make category selection mandatory when creating or editing a company department.
Mark the checkbox to make it mandatory for each department to have at least one hashtag during creation or editing.
Allow admins to delete departments:
Mark the checkbox to permit network admins, intranet admins, and department admins to delete departments from the User Portal.