User Access Log

Login & logout details for all users across all platforms


The User Access Log provides detailed tracking of user login and logout activities across all MangoApps platforms. It records the user’s name, profile photo, email/login ID, the platform used for access, the time of login/logout, and the IP address of the device from which the domain was accessed.

By default, the User Access Log is displayed in chronological order, with the most recent login entries shown first.

Key Features of the User Access Log

  • Search Filters: Search and filter log entries using various options such as user name, email/login ID, access platform, and more.

  • Export CSV and Export PDF: Export the user access log data into a .csv or .pdf file for further analysis.

  • User Details: View profile photo, user name, and email or login ID along with the login/logout information.

Data Captured in the User Access Log

Photo: The Photo column shows a preview of the user's profile photo.

User Name: The User Name displays the name of the user as registered on the MangoApps domain.

Email ID/Login ID: The Email ID/Login ID reflects the email or login credentials the user uses to access the MangoApps domain.

Login Time: The Login Time indicates the exact date and time the user logged into the system.

Logout Time: The Logout Time shows the date and time the user logged out.

Access From: The Access From column lists the specific application used to access the domain, such as:

  • MangoApps domain

  • OfficeChat

  • Mango Recorder

  • OAuth providers (Google, Office 365)

  • OpenID Connect API authentications

  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) providers

The Access From drop-down list in the search options reflects all Single Sign-On (SSO) connections configured for your domain.

Access Platform: The Access Platform refers to the platform used to access MangoApps, including:

  • Web browsers

  • iOS (iPad, iPhone)

  • Android

  • Windows and Mac desktop applications

IP Address: The IP Address is recorded to identify the location of the user’s device when accessing the domain.

Searching the User Access Log

To find specific log entries, you can use several search and filtering options. Here’s how to search the User Access Log:

  1. Search by User Name: Enter the user’s name in the Full Name search box to locate their access records.

  2. Search by Email/Login ID: Type the user’s email or login ID into the respective search box.

  3. Filter by Access From: Use the "Access From" drop-down to filter access by specific applications, such as Mango Recorder.

  4. Filter by Access Platform: Select the access platform (e.g., Windows, Android) from the "Access Platform" drop-down to refine your results.

  5. Filter by Login Date: Use the "Login Date Between" date picker to search for logins within a specific period.

  6. Search: Click the Search button to apply the filters and display relevant user access logs.

To export the search results to a .csv or .pdf file, click the Export CSV or Export PDF button.

Exporting the User Access Log

You can export and download up to 1,000 user access log entries as a .csv or .pdf file for offline viewing. Here's how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Admin Portal > Home > Logs > User Access Log.

  2. Adjust the number of entries displayed per page by clicking the Items per page drop-down. You can select to display 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1,000 entries.

  3. Click the Export CSV or Export PDF button at the bottom of the page to download the selected logs to your device.

Exporting the user access log does not send any email notifications or add an entry to the Audit Log. Additionally, the log data is cleared every 60 days, and this auto-clear feature cannot be changed.


When does the user access log create an entry?

The user access log creates an entry each time a user successfully logs in using their credentials from any platform.

How does the user access log behave in different scenarios?

  1. User logs in and logs out on the same day: The log will show a single entry with the login time, logout time, application, platform, and IP address.

  2. User logs in and logs out on different days: If a user logs in on one day and logs out on another (e.g., logs in on May 6 and logs out on May 8), the log will show a single entry with the full login and logout information.

  3. User logs in from multiple platforms: Each platform from which the user logs in will generate a separate entry in the log, detailing the login time, logout time, application, platform, and IP address for that session.

  4. User signs out from all sessions: When a user signs out from all other sessions except the current one, the log will record the logout time for each logged-out session.

  5. Network admin logs out all users: When a network admin forces all users to sign out, the log will record the logout time for all users who were logged out by this action.

By utilizing the User Access Log, admins can monitor login patterns and manage security more effectively across the entire domain.

Last updated