All Opportunities

Managing the opportunities on your domain


Network admins can manage all opportunities created in the domain from the Admin Portal.

  1. Search Opportunities: Enter the keyword in the Search text box to filter the opportunities in the list.

  2. List of opportunities: Displays the list of all opportunities created in the domain.

    • Name: Name of the opportunity.

    • Last Activity: Date and time of the last activity within the opportunity.

  3. Actions: Click the drop-down and then click Chat Settings or View Opportunity or Edit Opportunity or Transfer Owner Rights or Archive Opportunity or Activate Opportunity. See Actions on Opportunities for more information.

  4. Filter Opportunities: Choose the filter to display opportunities.

    • All Opportunities: Show all opportunities in the domain.

    • Archived Opportunities: Show only archived opportunities in the domain.

Actions on Opportunities

Chat Settings

You can send instant messages (IM) to an entire opportunity and its members in MangoApps.

  1. Who can send IM in the opportunity?

    • Domain Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins to send IMs in the opportunity.

    • Domain Admins & Opportunity Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and opportunity admins to send IMs in the opportunity.

    • Any Opportunity Member: Select to allow any opportunity member to send IMs in the opportunity.

  2. Who can add new Members?

    • Domain Admins & Opportunity Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and opportunity admins to invite and add members in the opportunity.

    • Any Opportunity Member: Select to allow any opportunity member to invite and add members in the opportunity.

  3. Who can see the opportunity member list?:

    • Domain Admins & Opportunity Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and opportunity admins to view the opportunity member list. If selected, displays a Show Members button in the opportunity IM only for network admins and opportunity admins.

    • Any Opportunity Member: Select to allow any opportunity member to view the opportunity members list. If selected, displays a Show Members button in the opportunity IM for all opportunity members.

  4. Who can send important messages?: You can mark an IM as important. Messages set as important get flagged as an important message and have a unique audible alert which distinguishes it from other messages. The message remains at the top of the recipient’s notification list until it is marked as read.

    • Domain Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins to mark a message as important in a opportunity IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in opportunity IM only for network admins.

    • Domain Admins & Opportunity Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and opportunity admins to mark a message as important in a opportunity IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in the opportunity IM only for network admins and opportunity admins.

    • Any Opportunity Member: Select to allow any opportunity member to mark a message as important in a opportunity IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in the opportunity IM for opportunity members.

  5. Save: Click the Save button to apply the chat settings for the selected opportunity.

View Opportunity

Redirects to the opportunity's page on the User Portal.

Edit Opportunity

Opens the opportunity in the edit mode. You can modify all the details of the opportunity in the Edit Opportunity pop-up.

Only network admins can edit all opportunities from the Admin Portal.

Transfer Owner Rights

For opportunities, transfers the owner rights to the selected network user and makes them the opportunity admin.

  1. Current Owner: Name of the current opportunity admin.

  2. Select New Owner: Enter the name of the new opportunity admin in the Select New Owner text box. The user MUST be an active network user to successfully transfer the owner rights.

  3. Transfer Owner Rights: Click the Transfer Owner Rights button to transfer the owner rights from the current owner to the specified user.

After transferring the owner rights of a opportunity to a new owner, MangoApps converts the old opportunity admin into a member of the opportunity and does NOT remove the user from the opportunity.

Archive Opportunity

For active opportunities, archives the selected opportunity. As a network admin, you can choose to generate an update ("This opportunity has been archived.") on the opportunity's wall to notify the members of the opportunity archival.

Archiving an opportunity does NOT delete any content in it. The opportunity and all its contents can still be viewed by the opportunity members but it CANNOT be edited.

Archived opportunities do NOT appear in your active list of opportunities on the User Portal.

Activate Opportunity

For archived opportunities, activates the selected opportunity. As a network admin, you can choose to generate an update ("This archived opportunity has been activated. ") on the opportunity's wall to notify the members of the opportunity's activation.

Only network admins and the opportunity's admin can activate an archived opportunity.

Delete Opportunity

For selected opportunity, deletes the selected opportunity from your domain.

Deleting a opportunity does NOT delete any content in it, it moves the opportunity to the Trash Can. The opportunity and all its contents can still be restored by the network admins from the Trash can.

Deleted opportunities do NOT appear in your active list of opportunities on the User Portal.

To see how these configurations impact the Team CRM on the User Portal, see Team CRM in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated