
Configuring the domain-wide integrations with external systems


MangoApps stands out with the largest set of enterprise integrations available on the market, creating a unified employee experience dashboard that brings all your essential tools together in one place.

For detailed instructions on setting up integrations, please visit our comprehensive Integrations Guide Library.

An Integrated Dashboard

MangoApps offers a single, seamless dashboard where employees can access all their tools without ever leaving the MangoApps environment. Unlike simple links, our integrations provide native functionality, allowing you to use the tools you need directly within your dashboard.

  • Easy Setup: No IT expertise required. Integrations are ready to go in minutes and work out of the box.

  • Custom Solutions: Our team can build tailored solutions to meet your unique needs, or you can create your own integrations using Open APIs or webhooks.

Microsoft 365

Transform your Microsoft 365 experience with MangoApps by adding a customizable dashboard and social intranet layer.

  • Interactive Widgets: Include Outlook, Calendar, and SharePoint widgets on your dashboards.

  • Document Management: Open and edit documents directly within MangoApps, keeping everything in one platform.

Google Workspace

Wrap Google Workspace tools and content into a rich, cohesive platform with MangoApps.

  • Integrated Widgets: Embed G Suite apps into your dashboard alongside all your other tools, creating a unified employee experience.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Integrations

MangoApps can act as your SSO provider or integrate with your existing one, simplifying and securing access to various systems.

  • Quick Access: Users can access company resources via SSO links on their dashboard, primary navigation bar, or SSO applications widget.

  • Pre-Integrated Apps: Choose from a catalog of pre-integrated cloud applications using SAML 2.0 for easy and secure authentication.

File Storage & Sharing Integrations

Seamlessly integrate with your preferred file storage platform, enabling quick and easy sharing of items within your teams.

Email, Slack & Conferencing System Integrations

Manage emails and chats from a single window, and integrate conferencing solutions into a shared calendar for streamlined communication.

Embedding Content from Other Platforms

Ensure content from various sites is engaging and interactive whenever linked from within MangoApps, supporting a range of media including video and social media.

Extending with MangoApps Open APIs

Developers can extend MangoApps to create custom web, desktop, or mobile apps for their business using MangoApps' Open APIs, which support data in XML and JSON formats.

Simplify The User Experience with SSO

Once signed into MangoApps, users can securely access all their applications and resources with a single login.

  • SSO Dashboard Widget: Securely access company apps directly from the dashboard.

  • Quick Link Access: Provide employees with quick links to frequently used resources.

  • Catalog and Custom Applications: Admins can push pre-integrated applications to user dashboards or use the MangoApps wizard to add other cloud or on-premise applications.

Last updated