General Settings
Configuring domain-wide settings that apply to all users
Last updated
Configuring domain-wide settings that apply to all users
Last updated
The General Settings in Domain Setup allow administrators to manage and customize user experience, security, and functionality to align with their organization's policies and objectives. These settings provide control over link previews, URL shortening, user invitations, login methods, and more, ensuring a secure platform for collaboration.
The Basic Configuration settings allow admins to manage link previews, enabling or disabling inline previews for both external and internal links, and automatically shortening long external URLs for security. Additionally, admins can control whether users can send GIF images in chats and feeds using Tenor.
Enable inline preview of external links: Toggle this setting to show/hide previews of external links shared in feeds and updates.
Enable inline preview of internal links: Enable/disable previews for internal links to posts, wikis, files, etc.
Auto-shorten external URLs: Automatically converts long external URLs (over 50 characters) into shorter URLs for security and readability.
Allow users to send GIF images: Enables or disables the ability to send GIFs via Tenor in chats and feeds.
This section allows admins to manage user settings for sharing short updates within the domain. Checking these options enable users to share short updates, while leaving it unchecked restricts them to posts only.
When enabled, users can share updates with all their followers within the company. When disabled, the "Share an Update" text bar and the "Update" icon in the Compose menu will not appear to users.
All changes to this setting are recorded in the Audit Log.
These settings define how employees log in and invite others to the platform. Invitation controls determine who can invite new users and whether company email addresses are required.
Invite users without an email ID: This feature allows admins to import users without email addresses by using unique login names. By default, an email ID is required to add users to the network. If this option is not enabled, any user without an email ID will be skipped during the import process.
Users without email IDs can only be added via import.
Invite users without a company email:
Allows invitations to users outside the company domain.
Users can be invited as guests to projects, groups, or events.
Enable login using employee identifier: Allows users to log in using a unique employee identifier instead of an email ID.
Employees to invite other employees:
Allowed: Any user can invite new employees without admin approval.
Moderated: Invitations require admin approval.
Disallowed: Only network admins can invite users.
The Sign-Up Settings allow admins to manage user engagement by enabling auto-follow within the domain and syncing MangoApps events with external calendars. Additional customization options include JavaScript tracking, sidebar widgets, profile previews, installation notifications, sharing settings, and user menu preferences, ensuring a tailored and efficient user experience.
Allowed: Any whitelisted email address can self signup.
Disallowed: 'Signup' option will be hidden from the login page.
Auto Follow settings can automatically connect users within the network based on predefined criteria. Admins can configure different auto-follow options to ensure relevant connections among users.
Users follow everyone in the domain – Automatically follows all users within the network to foster better engagement.
Specific users – Allows all network users to automatically follow designated individuals.
Users with the same profile field values – Enables automatic following based on up to three selected profile fields. If multiple fields are chosen, all must have non-empty values, and the conditions will be applied using an AND logic.
Org chart-based following – Ensures direct reportees follow their managers, managers follow their direct reportees, and direct reportees follow each other.
New users will automatically follow specified network users and those with matching profile field values within 24 hours. Existing users who update their profile field values will follow relevant users within 24 hours.
Enable Add to Outlook/Google Calendar: Syncs MangoApps events with external calendars for one-way updates.
Enable JavaScript on pages: Allows admins to add tracking and analytics scripts to pages.
Enable Sidebar widgets: Provides a customizable widget panel for users with updates, announcements, and more.
Show preview on hover or click: Displays profile previews of users and teams on interaction.
Enable notifications: Posts an update when users install MangoApps on mobile or desktop.
Share over Email: Allows users to share updates externally via email.
The SMS Settings allow admins to manage SMS communication between the domain and its users.
Enable SMS – Toggle on to activate SMS messaging for user notifications.
Account Managed By – Indicates that MangoApps manages the SMS service.
Provider – Displays the SMS provider used by MangoApps.
Notify when SMS monthly usage exceeds – Sends a notification to domain admins when monthly SMS usage surpasses a specified threshold. Leave empty to disable notifications.
Default SMS Opt-in – Determines whether users are automatically opted in to receive SMS for campaigns, boosted posts, and alerts. If disabled, users are opted out by default but can adjust their preferences to opt-in or opt-out as needed.
The MangoApps Helper is a system bot responsible for sending automated messages, such as notifications about usage limits for add-on services. It also facilitates the use of system user segments for better communication and management.
Name – A required field to set the bot’s name (up to 100 characters).
Photo – Allows admins to choose a profile photo for the helper in the admin portal.
User Menu Settings – Controls visibility for pinned items, history, and recommendations in the user menu. Options include: All users, Network users, Highly engaged users only, Domain & Intranet admins only, Nobody.
Choose the first day of the week for the domain. This day will be shown throughout the domain, including in calendars and when setting start and end dates.
Can external users unsubscribe from email updates?
Yes, external users can unsubscribe by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in the emails and following the process. Admins can re-enable email notifications if necessary.