Engagement Dashboard
Reviewing the user engagement analytics of your domain
The Engagement Dashboard in your admin portal is a powerful tool that helps you understand and manage the level of user engagement within your network. This guide will help you navigate the dashboard, understand the different engagement metrics, and effectively use the available features to enhance user engagement.
User Engagement
User engagement is categorized into four distinct buckets:
Highly Engaged Users
Engaged Users
Moderately Engaged Users
Not Yet Engaged Users
The Engagement Dashboard allows network administrators to delve deeper into each category and download individual reports for further analysis.
Understanding the User Engagement Chart
The User Engagement chart visualizes user activity over the past 12 months. The system displays engagement data for all network users by default, but you can filter the data to view either active Network Users or active Guest Users. This chart classifies users into the four engagement buckets mentioned above, providing insights into how users interact with MangoApps.
Engagement Categories Defined
Highly Engaged Users
Definition: Users who use MangoApps daily, performing multiple activities each workday, active for more than 15 days per month, with a high overall activity count.
Report Data: Average percentage of highly engaged users over the specified period.
Engaged Users
Definition: Users who use MangoApps regularly within a week, perform multiple activities weekly, are active for at least 2 weeks per month, and have a steady activity count.
Report Data: Average percentage of engaged users over the specified period.
Moderately Engaged Users
Definition: Users who log into MangoApps regularly each month, perform multiple activities monthly, and show some overall activity.
Report Data: Average percentage of moderately engaged users over the specified period.
Not Yet Engaged Users
Definition: Users who have not logged into MangoApps within a month and have no recorded activities.
Report Data: Average percentage of not yet engaged users over the specified period.
Filtering and Exporting Analytics Data
Using Data Filters
You can select the preferred analytics data filter to view user engagement statistics for either Network Users Only or Guest Users Only. By default, the data is shown for all network users over the last 12 months.
Graphical Representation
The engagement data is displayed as a bar graph, providing a month-by-month visual representation of user engagement over the past year.
Exporting Reports
To export the user engagement analytics:
Select the Data Filter:
Choose between Network Users Only or Guest Users Only from the drop-down menu.
Export to CSV:
Click the "Export Report" drop-down and select "CSV" to download the data in CSV format.
Export to PDF:
Click the "Export Report" drop-down and select "PDF" to download the data in PDF format.
Downloading Individual Lists of User Groups
You can download specific lists of users based on their engagement levels:
Highly Engaged Users
Select the data filter (e.g., Network Users Only).
Click "Download List" under the Highly Engaged Users block to get the list in CSV format.
Engaged Users
Select the data filter.
Click "Download List" under the Engaged Users block to get the list in CSV format.
Moderately Engaged Users
Select the data filter.
Click "Download List" under the Moderately Engaged Users block to get the list in CSV format.
Not Yet Engaged Users
Select the data filter (e.g., Guest Users Only).
Click "Download List" under the Not Yet Engaged Users block to get the list in CSV format.
How long is the history of user engagement data available?
MangoApps maintains user engagement data for the past 12 months.
Can guest users view and download the User Engagement analytics?
No, guest users cannot view or download User Engagement analytics. This feature is available only to network admins.
How is user engagement calculated in MangoApps?
User engagement is derived from the actual activities users perform within the network.
What do the four user engagement categories imply?
Highly Engaged: Daily active users with high activity.
Engaged: Weekly active users with steady activity.
Moderately Engaged: Monthly active users with some activity.
Not Yet Engaged: Users with no activity in the past month.
Deactivated/suspended users are NOT counted while calculating User Engagement analytics.
MangoApps calculates the user engagement for the last 12 months i.e. the last 12 month from the sign up date. For example, if a domain signed up on the 8th of October, 2018, then on viewing the engagement of the domain on the 6th of October, 2019 will show data till September 2019.
If the domain is active for less than 12 months, then the number of months the domain was active is taken into account.
MangoApps does not show User Engagement analytics, if the system does not have enough data for calculating User Engagement analytics for the domain.
A user can only be in one of the engagement bucket in a month and their increase and decrease in the activity will change the bucket on a monthly basis.
Last updated