Security Notification
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Security notifications help protect user accounts and the network by alerting to potential security threats. Admins can configure the system to send email notifications for specific security-related activities.
Choose for users to receive notifications for the following security-related events:
Access from a Different Geographic Location
An email is sent to only the user when their geographical location changes since their last login.
Multiple Failed Password Attempts
An email is sent to the user and all network admins when a user exceeds the allowed number of failed login attempts as set in the Failed Authentication Attempt Policy.
Unauthorized Access Attempt
An email is sent to all network admins when a user attempts to access content they do not have permission for. Example: A user tries to open a file shared via a link but is not a member of the respective team.
Unauthorized Attempt to Access an Invalid URL
An email is sent to all network admins when a user tries to access a non-existent or invalid URL. Example: A user attempts to open a post or file that has been deleted.
Unauthorized Attempt to Access the Admin Portal
An email is sent to all network admins when a network or guest user tries to access the admin portal without proper authorization.
Unauthorized Attempt to Access from Outside Valid IP Range
An email is sent to all network admins when a user tries to access the domain from an IP address outside the defined IP range for browser access. Example: A user attempts access from IP, but the allowed range is to