Export Data

Managing domain-wide settings for exporting network data


Network admins can export full network data to a XML file or choose to schedule the network data exports at regular intervals. The exported data file includes details of the network configuration, user info, projects, groups, events, ideas, status updates and all related data.

  1. Export Network Data: Click the Export Data Now button to export full network data in XML format. The exported network data file can be downloaded from Admin Portal > Home > Exported Data.

  2. Export Network Data: Configure the network data export schedule settings.

    • Enable network data backup: Mark the checkbox to enable the system to automatically export the full network data to a XML file as per the configured frequency.

    • Frequency: Select the frequency for the automatic network data backup. The possible values are - Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

    • Email Notify: Mark the checkbox to send a notification email to all network admins when the scheduled network data XML file is successfully exported and available for download. If disabled, network admins can download the exported network data XML file from Admin Portal > Home > Exported Data.

  3. Save: Click the Save button to apply the chosen settings.

  4. Export Data History: Click the link to download the most recent exported network data file.

Clicking the Export Data Now button notifies only the network admin who requested the data export only via email.


Does the exported network data includes files?

No, the exported network data does NOT include any files. However, links to all the files on the AWS server are included in the XML file.

Can we import the exported network data into another domain?

No, currently you cannot import the exported network data into another domain.

Last updated