Org Chart

Setting up the organization chart for all network users


Network administrators have the ability to manage the domain-wide organization chart for all network users within your company's MangoApps network. The organization chart displays the hierarchical structure of network users based on assigned managers and reportees. This chart can be manipulated through various actions, such as adding or inviting new users, viewing profiles, following or unfollowing users, sending instant messages, and removing users from the chart.

Adding a Manager, Colleague, or Reportee

To add a manager, colleague, or reportee for a network user, click the appropriate + Add a Manager/Colleague/Reportee button at the bottom of each level.

This button opens the Add or Invite pop-up menu.

Enter the name of the new user you wish to add into the user look ahead field.

Alternatively, if the user does not yet exist within the domain, click on the Invite New User tab to invite the user while also adding them to the organization chart.

Adding a manager for a user who already has a manager assigned overwrites the existing assignment.

Viewing and Managing Users

Once users are added or invited, additional actions become available:

  • View Profile: Click a user's name to open the user's profile for review.

  • Follow: Receive notifications when the user collaborates within the domain.

  • Unfollow: Stop receiving notifications from the user.

  • Send IM: Compose and send an instant message.

  • New Message: Compose and send a private message.

  • Remove: Removes the user from the organization chart. Removing a user from the organization chart does not delete them from the domain. Removing a user from the org chart automatically un-assigns the reportees of the user.

With the exception of the Remove action, these options are also available from the Org chart within the User Portal.

Managing Orphaned Users

Click the Users with no assigned managers button. This opens a pop-up displaying a list of users without assigned managers.

Within the pop-up, click Export in XLS. This action downloads an .xls file containing a list of all users without assigned managers, including their names and email addresses.

Last updated