Learn Automations Log

Logs automation runs within the LMS module


The Learn Automations log provides a detailed overview of the activities related to automation rules in your organization. Admins can use this tool to track course assignments automatically triggered for users through predefined rules.

This log is instrumental in ensuring that automation rules related to learning and development, such as course assignments, are executed as expected.

Key Features

  • Automation Type Selection: Admins can view logs based on specific automation types, such as course assignments, to track the automated processes tied to learning programs.

  • Search and Filter Options: Use search functionality by entering a rule name and setting a date range to narrow down log results for specific automation events.

  • Event Tracking: View details such as the rule name, the date it was triggered, the number of courses assigned, and the number of users impacted by each rule.

  • Help for this Page: Provides access to additional help documentation and resources for better understanding the Learn Automations log.

Possible Events

This log captures the execution details of Learn automation in MangoApps. By default, logs are retained for the last 365 days. These automations include:

  • Course Assignment Automation: Logs each execution of the automation rule for assigning courses or programs to users. It captures the rule name, execution time, number of courses assigned, and the number of users impacted. Admins can click on the user count to view a detailed list of which users received which courses. If an admin manually triggers the rule, the log also records the admin's name and the action.

  • Course Reminder Automation: Logs each execution of the automation rule for sending course or program reminders to learners. It captures the rule name, execution time, and the number of reminders sent. Admins can click on the reminder count to view a list of users who received the communications. If an admin manually triggers the rule, the log also records the admin's name and the action.

Filter Options

The Learn Automations log offers several filter options to help narrow down the results:

  • Rule Name: Use the "Rule Name" field to search for specific automation rules by name. This is especially helpful when tracking the effectiveness of individual rules.

  • Logs Between: Set a date range using the "Logs Between" option to filter logs by a specific time period. This helps in identifying automation events that occurred within a particular timeframe.

  • Automation Type: From the dropdown, select the type of automation you wish to filter by, such as "Course Assignment." This narrows the results to only show automation activities of that specific type.

Export the Log

Admins can export the Learn Automations log for reporting or auditing purposes. To export the data:

  1. Apply Filters: First, apply the necessary filters such as Rule Name or Logs Between to ensure that only relevant data is included.

  2. Download Report: Once filtered, the option to download the log in a convenient file format (e.g., CSV or Excel) is available from the interface. This allows admins to store and analyze the data outside the system for further insights.

Retention Policy

MangoApps retains Learn Automations Log entries from the date of domain creation, and these logs are never deleted. Network admins can access them at any time.

This guide provides an overview of the Learn Automations log's core functionality, helping admins efficiently monitor and manage automated learning activities across their organizations.

Last updated