Profile Preview

Configuring the users' profile preview


Network admins can choose up to 10 profile fields to display in the profile preview dialog when a user clicks or hovers the mouse pointer over a user's name on the User Portal.

  1. Primary profile fields: Mark the preferred profile fields to display immediately under the profile photo and full name of a user. The primary profile fields are center-aligned in the preview dialog on the User Portal.

  2. Secondary profile fields: Mark the preferred profile fields to display under the primary profile fields. Drag-and-drop the fields to reorder them. The secondary profile fields are left-aligned in the preview dialog on the User Portal.

  3. Profile preview: Displays the preview of the profile for the marked fields.

  4. Save Settings: Click the Save Settings button to apply the settings to the profile preview.

By default, the profile photo and first & last name fields are enabled to display in the profile and CANNOT be disable.


Why do some profile fields appear gray and I can't enable them to display on the profile preview dialog?

Profile fields with the 'User Controlled Visibility' set to 'ENABLED' appear gray, and CANNOT be used to display in the preview dialog.

To see how these configurations impact the People Directory on the User Portal, see People Directory & Profile in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated