🆕Configure Custom Fields

Creating & managing custom fields


Custom fields in MangoApps allow you to add additional data to files, enhancing your workflow by enabling you to track information such as deadlines, priority, cost, or any other relevant detail. This guide will walk you through the steps to manage custom fields effectively.

Types of Custom Fields

MangoApps provides various field types for custom fields:

  • Single Line Text

  • Multiple Line Text

  • Multiple Choices (Multiple Selection)

  • Multiple Choices (Single Selection)

  • Calendar Lookup

  • User Typeahead

  • Phone Number

Custom fields are displayed in the Advanced search filters in the Files module on the User Portal. They are shared between the Files and Media Library modules, meaning custom fields created in one module are visible in the other.

Custom fields are displayed in the Advanced search filters in the Files module on the User Portal.

The Files and Media Library modules share custom fields in MangoApps. Custom fields created in the Media Library module are displayed in the Files module and vice versa.

Adding a New Custom Field

To add a new custom field:

  1. In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up, click the New Custom Field button.

  1. Enter the name for the new custom field in the Field Name text box.

  2. Select the type of the field from the drop-down list.

  3. Mark the Required check box to set the custom field as a mandatory field when uploading a media file on the User Portal.

  4. Enter the choices for the field. You can click the Add New Choice link to add more choices for the field.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Drag-and-drop the field to reorder it. This is a optional step.

  7. Click the Close button to exit the pop-up.

Custom fields marked as Required are mandatory when a user uploads files from the User Portal.

Editing and Deleting a Custom Field

Deleting a custom field only removes the association of the field from the files.

Showing/Hiding Group Fields

Mark/unmark the file fields to show/hide on the Files page. By default, the File Image and File name fields are enabled and CANNOT be disabled.

Click the Save button to apply the field settings to the Files module.


What are the prerequisites for uploading files to a folder via email?

The prerequisites to upload files to a MangoApps folder via email are:

  • The user MUST be a part of the MangoApps domain with a valid company email ID matching their profile in the domain or the email ID in the Accepted List (Admin Portal > Email > Accepted List), AND

  • The user MUST be an Active network user, AND

  • The user MUST have permissions to upload files to the folder they are uploading the files to.

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