Manage Hashtags
Managing the hashtags on your domain
Shows you a consolidated list of all topics or keywords tagged using the hashtag symbol '#' (the number sign) in your domain. Use this module to find all posts, content, files, and more about a topic or keyword that your users are interested in. Hashtags automatically turn the topic or phrase into clickable links in your post. Hashtags help your employees find content in your domain that matches the topic or phrase.
Search Hashtags: Enter a keyword in the Search Hashtags text box to filter the list of hashtags.
List of hashtags: List of all admin defined and user defined hashtags on the entire domain. The list displays an overview of all hashtags and the number of items associated with it.
Hashtags: Name of the hashtag on the domain. Hashtag names in MangoApps are case-insensitive. For example, if you created a hashtag as 'HumanResource', you cannot create another hashtag as 'humanresource', 'Humanresource', or 'humanResource' since all 4 are treated the same.
Categories: Name of the category the hashtag belongs to. Categories can be used to better organize hashtags based on departments, functions, and purpose.
Created On: Date of creation of the hashtag.
No. of items: Content associated with the hashtag. Any kind of content (updates, questions, polls, posts, wikis, files, pages, ideas, campaigns, events, teams, tasks, forms, etc) in your domain can be tagged with a hashtag.
Type: Displays whether the hashtag is 'User Defined' or 'Admin Defined'. Admin Defined hashtags are the ones that ship out of the box and User Defined are the hashtags your network users create on the User Portal. You can choose to allow only network admins to create hashtags via Admin Portal > Modules > Hashtags > Settings tab.
Description: Brief description of the hashtag.
Hashtag checkbox for actions: Mark the checkbox for multiple hashtags and then click the Merge Selected button to merge the hashtags. You can avoid duplication of hashtags by merging two or more hashtags.
Edit: Click the Edit option to edit the name, description, categories, color, and make a hashtag a Super Hashtag.
Delete: Click the Delete option to delete the hashtag.
Add Hashtag: Click the Add Hashtag button to create a new Admin Defined hashtag.
Deleting a hashtag only 'dis-associates' the hashtag from the content and does NOT delete the content associated with it.
Adding a New Hashtag
Admin Defined hashtags can be created from the Admin Portal and marked as Super Hashtag. To create a new hashtags:
Click the Add Hashtag button to open the Add Hashtag pop-up.
In the Add Hashtag pop-up, enter a name for the hashtag in the Name text box. For example, enter MockupNeeded in the text box.
Add a description for the hashtag in the Description text box.
Select a category for the hashtag from the Categories drop-down list.
Select a color for the hashtag from the Color picker.
Mark the checkbox for the Make it a Super Hashtag to add the new tag as a Super Hashtag on your domain. Super Hashtags dis
Click the Save button to create the hashtag.
Merging Hashtags
Network admins can merge multiple hashtags into one. This merge will automatically tag all the content with the newly merged tag and remove the older hashtags. To merge hashtags:
Mark the checkbox for the hashtags you want to merge. For example, mark the check box for the 'hr' and 'HumanResource' hashtags.
Click the Merge Selected button to open the Merge pop-up.
Enter the name for the new merged hashtag in the Merge Into text box. For example, enter HumanResource.
Enter MERGE in the confirmation text box to merge the selected hashtags.
Click the Merge button.
Only network admins can merge user defined and admin defined hashtags.
What type of content can be tagged with a hashtag?
Any kind of content (updates, questions, polls, posts, wikis, files, pages, ideas, campaigns, events, teams, tasks, forms etc) in your domain can be tagged with a hashtag.
Are there any rules in naming a hashtag?
Yes, the following are the rules when creating a hashtag:
MUST be written as a single word, without any spaces.
Can include numbers, but punctuation and special characters (like $ and %) are NOT allowed.
Can use lowercase or uppercase characters and the case would be maintained.
Needs to be at least 3 characters when created by a user.
What are Super Hashtags in MangoApps?
A Super Hashtag is a great way to differentiate best-in-class, authoritative or base-lined content from the rest on your domain. For example, Rules and Guidelines of a online community group, Legal or Financial or Leave Policies of a company, etc. Super Hashtags are mainly used for ranking content - the content tagged with a Super Hashtag is displayed at the top of the search results on the User Portal when a user runs a content search for the associated keyword. The latest content associated with the Super Hashtag takes top priority in the search results.
Who can edit hashtag properties?
Admin Defined hashtags can be edited by network admins only. User Defined hashtags can be edited by any user. Marking a hashtag as a Super Hashtag can only be done by network admins for both Admin & User Defined hashtags.
When I click on a hashtag can I see all the content in my domain that is tagged by that hashtag?
When you click on a hashtag, you get to see all the content that you have at-least 'viewer privileges' in your full domain.
Can I be notified when new content is tagged or existing content modified with the hashtag I am interested in ?
Yes, this is one of the key benefits of hashtags. Users can 'follow' the hashtag that is of interest to them and they will be notified in real-time (across multiple platforms) when new content is tagged with it or existing content (already tagged) is modified.
To see how these configurations impact the Hashtags on the User Portal, see Hashtags in the User Portal Guide.
Last updated