Create Custom Items Tracker


This tracker serves as a centralized hub for rewards administrators, offering a seamless interface to efficiently organize, customize, and update an array of personalized rewards for employees in preparation for integration into a data source. Administrators can effortlessly categorize items, set point values, and include detailed descriptions, ensuring a clear and engaging presentation of the diverse reward options. This not only enhances the overall user experience by allowing for easy navigation and selection but also facilitates strategic reward program management by providing a structured overview of available options.

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a new rewards tracker and integrate it into the custom data source feature for rewards and recognition.

Click Create custom items tracker from within the Data Source creation wizard to get started.

Tracker Details

The first step is to create a name, description, and icon for your tracker. As with normal trackers, you will also designate a team/workspace to host the tracker.

We recommend creating a private workspace for rewards admins in order to keep all rewards trackers in one convenient place.

Once all information is completed, click the Create button.

Tracker Setup

The next step will be to create entries for your catalog. If you have created the tracker from within the Data Source creation wizard, the columns will already be pre-populated with the following headers: Image, Name, Description, Size, Color, Quantity in Stock, Shipping Address Required, and Value in Points.

Entries must include information for the following required columns: Image, Name, and Value in Points. The other columns listed are all optional but are recommended in order to flesh out the details of the redemption item.

The system will automatically update the remaining stock number within the column mapped to Quantity in Stock. If the Quantity In Stock column shows 0 items, 'Out of Stock' will be displayed to end users in the quantity amount section for the item.

In the User Portal, the columns will map to the following sections.

The following column types MUST be set as the listed column type or else the custom item will NOT display correctly.

  • Image - This column must be of the Attachment Column Type. This field allows for multiple images to be uploaded. The only accepted file type is .img.

  • Name - Must be a Unique Identifier type

  • Description - Must be a Rich Text type

  • Size - Must be a Checkbox type

  • Color - Must be a Checkbox type

  • Value in Points - Must be a Number type

If an entry leaves a column blank (e.g. size, color), the menu option will not appear in the user portal view.

While it's not possible to add extra fields directly to the custom catalog item menu, the tracker retains the functionality of a complete tracker. The capabilities described here leverage the capacity to create tracker workflows.

Low Inventory Notification - Inform Workflow

This workflow serves to notify responsible parties when a reward item is low in stock and in need of replenishment.

The workflow will have the following setup:

Our workflow will trigger when the "Quantity in Stock" column becomes less than 10. The resulting action will be to send a custom action message to our replenisher Adela. The message will inform her that the stock of a entry item (%Name%) is low.

For more information on creating trackers and workflows, click here.

Last updated