Manage Categories
Managing the greeting categories on your domain
Network admins can manage greeting categories and choose which users can give greetings from the categories on the domain.
List of Categories: List of all available greeting categories created on your domain.
Category Name: Name of the greeting category.
Who Can Give Greetings From This Category?
Anyone: Select to allow any network user to give greetings from the category to other users or teams on the domain.
Domain Admins & Intranet Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and intranet admins to give greetings from the category to other users or teams on the domain.
Domain Admins, Intranet Admins & The Following Users: Select to allow only network admins, intranet admins and the specified network users to give greetings from the category to other users or teams on the domain.
Status: Status of the greeting category. Categories with the 'Inactive' status, are not displayed on the User Portal.
Edit: Click Edit to open the Edit Greeting Category pop-up and edit a category.
Deactivate: For active categories, click Deactivate to deactivate the greeting and change its status to 'Inactive'.
Activate: For deactivated categories, click Activate to activate the greeting and change its status to 'Active'.
Delete: For custom categories, click Delete to delete the greeting category from your domain. You CANNOT delete pre-shipped out-of-the-box greeting categories.
+ Add New Category: Click the + Add New Category button to create a new greeting category on your domain.
Deactivated greeting categories are NOT displayed on the User Portal.
Deleting a custom greeting category, deletes all the greetings within the category from the domain.
Places where a deleted greeting from a category was already shared will NOT be deleted if you delete the category.
Adding a New Greeting Category
Click the + Add New Category button to open the Add Greeting Category pop-up.
Enter the name for the category in the Category Name text box For example, enter Mango Greetings in the Category Name text box.
Select who can give greetings from the category on the User Portal. Select the Domain Admins & Intranet Admins Only option to allow only network admins and intranet admins to give greetings from the category to other users or teams on the domain.
Click the Save button to add the new greeting category on your domain for all network users.
To see how these configurations impact the Greetings on the User Portal, see Greetings in the User Portal Guide.
Last updated