Getting Started

Setting up the getting started wizard for all new users


This section is designed to facilitate a smooth onboarding experience for new users by guiding them through essential setup steps. As a network administrator, utilizing this section is crucial for ensuring that all new users are properly introduced to the platform and comply with necessary terms and policies. The getting started wizard offers a customizable and comprehensive onboarding process on desktop. It includes 10 pre-shipped steps, such as an introduction video, terms of service, privacy policy, and more, which can be enabled, disabled, and reordered to fit the organization's needs. Additionally, admins have the flexibility to add custom steps like videos, rich text content, and profile sections to tailor the onboarding experience further. This functionality ensures that users are well-informed and adequately prepared to use MangoApps effectively from their first login.

Configuring The Steps

When a user successfully logs into MangoApps for the first time, they are presented with a set of steps to get started with MangoApps. As a network admin, you can customize this getting started experience for your users - both network users & guest users. You can enable, disable, modify, and add new steps to the getting started process.

  1. Getting Started Steps: List of customizable steps that will appear on the getting started page. Each step has four basic properties you can define - title, short title, icon, and description. You can drag and drop the steps to reorder them in the sequence you want.

  2. Setting: Click the Setting button to modify a step.

  3. Toggle Switch: Click the Toggle Switch to enable or disable a step.

  4. Save Settings: Click the Save Settings button to save any modifications made to the steps. When you enable/disable steps, you MUST save the settings before previewing the getting started page.

  5. + Add Step: Click + Add Step to add a new step to your getting started page. You can set the visibility of new steps to display them for different user roles in the visibility property. The choice of values are for - All Users, Network Users & Admins Only, Guest Users Only, or Network Admins Only.

Reordering Steps

You can change the sequence of the getting started steps. To reorder the steps:

  1. Click the step you want to reorder.

  2. Drag and drop the step at the preferred location in the sequence.

Only enabled steps appear on the getting started page.

Modifying a Step

You can modify any pre-shipped or your custom created step. To modify a step:

  1. Edit the preferred properties, add/delete/modify the content.

  2. Click the Save button to update and apply the changes to the step.

  3. Click the Save Settings button to save the modifications of the step to the getting started page.

Adding a New Step

MangoApps lets you create custom steps and set the visibility of these steps for different roles. For example, you can create a custom step for guest users informing about the restrictions of their role. To add a new step:

  1. Click the + Add Step button to open the Add Step pop-up.

  2. Enter a title for the step in the Title text box.

  3. Select the type of step you want to create from the Type drop-down. For example, select Rich Text Editor based to create a rich text-based step. See the FAQs section for more information on types of custom steps.

  4. Click Save to add the new step.

  5. Modify the step as preferred. See Modifying a Step for more information.

  6. Click the Toggle Switch to enable the new step.

  7. Click the Save Settings button to save the modifications of the step to the getting started page.

Previewing The Steps

You can preview the getting started page for different roles - Network User, Guest User, or Network Admin. To preview the getting started steps:

Terms Of Service


Terms of Service are regulations and principles that users must comply with to access a specific service or product. TOS documents provide an overview of the terms and conditions related to using the service or product and any legal obligations or liabilities that may arise from its usage.

The terms of service will cover all users (network and guest users both) who have access to the domain and will appear when users log in for the first time from web or mobile apps. Network admins can enable the "Acceptance Required" property to ensure that the user provides their acceptance of the content on this page before proceeding ahead.

Terms of Service can be configured from the Getting Started tab from Admin Portal (Domain>Getting Started>Term of Services).

Terms of Services For All Users

On the Getting Started page, the Terms of Service will be shown to all new network and guest users during their initial login if the ToS step is enabled (as shown below)

Any time if the Domain admin makes any changes or edits to the ToS content, users will be presented with this ToS screen to review and accept before proceeding further.


Navigate to Domain>General Setting>Terms of Services

Click Settings (cog wheel shown below).

On the Term of Service page, please provide the following information:

  1. Title: Name of the page, such as "Terms of Service"

  2. Short Title: Abbreviations on the page, such as "TOS."

  3. Icon: You can add the icon.

  4. Description: Brief statement to prompt user acceptance, such as "Please accept the terms of service to proceed."

  1. Content: Full text of the Terms of Service page. Formatting options allow you to customize the font, alignment, spacing, indentation, and other visual elements in your text.

  1. Acceptance Required: Check this box to ensure user acceptance is necessary.

  2. Acceptance Text: Text displayed for user acceptance, such as "I have read and accept the terms of service."

  3. Cancel: Click to Cancel the setting.

  4. Save: Click this button to save the settings.

Whenever the content of the Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policy is updated:

  • Previous acceptances of the ToS and Privacy Policy will be cleared.

  • Users will be prompted to re-accept them the next time they access the platform, whether through the web or mobile.

  • All changes made to the ToS and Privacy Policy are recorded in the audit log, which can be accessed under the admin portal, specifically under domain > logs > audit log.


Is the getting started wizard supported in the mobile apps?

At this time only terms & condition and privacy policy items in the getting started are supported on mobile. No other getting started steps is supported

What are the pre-shipped getting started steps the network admin can enable/disable and reorder?

MangoApps includes 10 pre-shipped getting started steps. All these steps can be customized, enabled, disabled, and reordered. The 10 pre-shipped steps include:

  • Introduction Video: Upload an introduction video that is a welcome message to all new users

  • Terms of Service: Terms of service are rules the network administrators can configure for every user on the domain to agree to and abide by to use the domain. You can enable the "Acceptance Required" property to ensure that the user provides their acceptance to the content on this page before proceeding ahead.

  • Privacy Policy: The privacy policy discloses some or all of the ways the organization gathers, uses, discloses, and manages data. You can enable the "Acceptance Required" property to ensure that the user provides their acceptance to the content on this page before proceeding ahead.

  • Change Password: Users are required to change their MangoApps account password on first login. This step does NOT appear for users that log in via Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • Profile - Overview: Allows user to update their profile overview such as profile photo, first name, last name, job title, date of joining, etc. Configure the items in the "Profile Section" drop-down in the People module (Admin Portal > Modules > People > Full Profile).

  • Profile - About Me: Allow users to update details such as alias name, skills/expertise, departments, etc. Configure the items in the "Profile Section" drop-down in the People module (Admin Portal > Modules > People > Full Profile).

  • Locale: Allow users to configure their locale settings such as date format, time format, time zone, and language based on the location where the user operates in.

  • Team Recommendations: Users can join the recommended teams in the portal, and the recommended team listing can be configured from the admin portal. As a network admin, you can add multiple rules for the filter criteria when adding recommended teams based on office locations, organization, department, team, first name, last name, and date of joining to improve the relevance of the recommendation.

  • Notifications: Allow users to configure their personal notification settings for Web, Desktop App, Mobile App & Email. Your users can also configure the notification settings later in the User Portal (User Portal profile drop-down > Change My Settings > Notifications).

  • Invite: Allow users to invite their colleagues to your MangoApps domain.

You CANNOT delete pre-shipped getting started steps. However, you CAN disable them.

What type of custom steps can I add to the getting started page?

The custom types of steps you can add to the getting started page include:

  • Video: Adds a step which lets you add a video.

  • Profile: Adds a step which lets you add a profile section. You can use this type to collect profile information from your users based on their role. As a network admin you can modify the items in the "Profile Section" drop-down in the People module (Admin Portal > Modules > People > Full Profile).

You CAN delete the custom steps at any time.

Last updated