
Configuring the domain-wide settings for the People module


The People module is your company's employee directory. It has information about your co-workers in the company and gives you ways to connect with them.

Network admins can change the system default label and other domain-wide settings of the People module.‌

  1. People Module Label: Enter a custom label for the People module.

  2. Employee Identifier Label: Enter a custom label for the employee identifier on your domain.

  3. People Lookahead Include: Select the additional field value to show alongside the a user's full name on the User Portal. You can choose:

    • None to show only the user's full name. OR

    • Job Title to display the user's job title as defined in their profile. OR

    • Organization (Primary) to display the primary organization if the user is part of multiple organizations within the domain. OR

    • Office Location to display a user's office location as defined in their profile. OR

    • Phone to display a user's phone number as defined in their profile. OR

    • Extension to display a user's desktop extension number as defined in their profile. OR

    • Mobile to display a user's mobile number as defined in their profile.

    The additional field value is displayed in the user lookahead and user list to select from when adding to private messages, teams, etc.

  4. Enable org chart view of people: Click the toggle bar to display the organization hierarchy of all network users on the User Portal. If disabled, hides the Org Char View button in the People Directory page on the User Portal and the Org Chart tab from a user's profile page.

    • Type of view: Select the preferred type of view for the organization chart.

      • Classic Org Chart: Select the Classic Org Chart option to display a visual organization chart that shows the hierarchy of people from left to right. This is the default view.

      • Interactive Org Chart: Select the Interactive Org Chart option to display a visual organization chart that shows the hierarchy of people from top to down with ability to zoom in, zoom out and pan.

  5. Allow users to edit their profile photo: Mark the checkbox to allow users to change their profile photos from the User Portal. Disable this option if you are syncing users and user data from an Active Directory/LDAP server database into your MangoApps domain.

  6. Allow users to write on other user's wall: Mark the checkbox to allow users to post an update with an attachment on another user's profile from the User Portal. If disabled, hides the 'Write on Wall' option from a user's profile page on the User Portal. This feature has been deprecated and will be removed in one of the upcoming releases.

  7. Setup Custom Fields: Click the Setup Custom Fields button to open the Setup Custom Fields pop-up and create/manage custom fields.

  8. Save Settings: Click the Save Settings button to apply the settings to the module.

The translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) MUST be deactivated to edit the module label.

Activating and Deactivating the translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate ) resets the custom label text.

Configuring Custom Fields

Custom fields let you add additional data to people in MangoApps. You can create a field for stage, priority, cost, or anything else that’s important to your workflow, team, and company.

Adding a New Custom Field

To add a new custom field, click the Setup Custom Fields button to open the Setup Custom Fields pop-up:

  1. In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up, click the New Custom Field button.

  2. Enter the name for the new custom field in the Field Name text box. For example, enter Part-time Consultant.

  3. Select the type of the field from the drop-down list. For example, select Multiple Choices (Single Selection) from the drop-down list.

  4. Mark the Available as Search Filter check box to add the custom field to the search filters list on the User Portal to allow users to search the People directory using the custom fields.

  5. Enter the choices for the field. For example, enter Yes and No as the choices for the field.

    You can click the Add New Choice link to add more choices for the field.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Click the Close button to exit the pop-up.

Custom fields can be mapped to external APIs for syncing data.

Custom profile fields can be used to create Condition-Based Shortcuts in the LHS Navigation. See Navigation for more information in the Admin Guide.

Editing a Custom Field

Deleting a Custom Field

Deleting a custom field removes the custom field from the user's profile along with the value specified in it on the User Portal. For example, if 50 users have values assigned to the Social Security Number (a custom profile field) and the network admin deletes the Social Security Number custom field from the Admin Portal, the custom field and the value specified for it gets deleted from all the 50 users' profiles.

Deleted custom fields and their values CANNOT be recovered once deleted.


Are guest users displayed in the People's directory on the User Portal?

No, guest users are NOT displayed in the People's directory on the User Portal.

To see how these configurations impact the People Directory on the User Portal, see People Directory & Profile in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated