Create a Hold
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An eDiscovery hold preserves specific digital content for legal, compliance, or investigative purposes. By placing a hold, admins ensure that selected records cannot be deleted or modified, allowing for future review and retrieval.
Click the Create a New Hold button located in the top right of the window. This will bring up the Create New Hold menu.
Provide a name and description for the hold.
Click the Next button to proceed to the next step, Query.
Set the Date Range
Choose the time period for which data should be preserved. This ensures that only relevant content is retained.
The start and end date must be within 365 days of each other.
Define Search Criteria
Enter keywords (e.g., sensitive terms like passport or credit card numbers).
Specify the Posted By field to filter by content author.
Choose a team or location for the hold to take effect.
Choose Item Types
Select applicable content types to be held: Posts, Updates, Messages, Chats, Files, Questions
Review and Finalize
Click Next to proceed to the Review step. Make sure all data entered is correct as holds cannot be edited once created.
Click the Create New Hold button to complete the setup.
Your eDiscovery hold is now active and preserving the specified data.
To manage existing holds, navigate to the eDiscovery dashboard.
Modify or release holds as necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
Monitor data retention policies to ensure proper compliance with company and industry standards.