Reward Points Allocation

Manage the reward point allocations for the Recognition module


When a network user gives an award with attached reward points, the MangoApps algorithm deducts points from the user's current reward points balance, but only if they have reward points already added to their profile.

As a network administrator, you have the capability to add network users and assign reward points to them. These points can then be used when users give recognition awards.

Search By Name

Enter the name of a user in the search box to filter the list of users who have been allocated reward points to give out.

+ Add

This action will open a pop-up where you can allocate reward points to users, admins, and even User Segments, e.g. District Managers. This section is intended for assigning point allocations to managers or team leads, who can then distribute them to individuals or teams as part of award programs. Please note, you can allocate more points than your total company credit allow, so keep this in mind when assigning reward points.


Click the Import button to bulk import users and their allocated points in the Reward Points Allocation list from a .xls file. Within the import file, you can choose to ADD points to a current total or REPLACE the current total with a new value. A BLANK column value makes no change to the points of the user. Only existing network users are imported and updated via the .xls file. Optionally, you can click the Download sample file link to download a sample file for reference and editing.


Click the Export button to export the Reward Points Allocation data list to a CSV file. For a more comprehensive view, you can choose the specific data you want to include in the exported file from the dropdown menu. From the dropdown menu you have the option to select:

  • Users Who Have Direct Reports - This option will export the data of only users who have at least 1 user reporting to them. This exports the data of all network users who are direct managers for other users in MangoApps.

  • Users Who Have Reward Points Allocated - This option will export the data of only users who have been allocated reward points by the network admins. This exports the data of all network users who are in the Reward Points Allocation list.

  • All Active Network Users - This option will export the list of all active network users on the domain along with the details such as user name, email address/employee ID, user title, direct reports, allocated reward points, and the action column. Note: This list encompasses all users, whether or not they have been allocated reward points.

List of users

This is the list of users who have been allocated reward points to give out by the network admins on the domain. Note: This list does NOT show all users that have received rewards point, ONLY reward points allocated by network and recognition administrators.

  • User Name/User Segment: Name of the user or user segment on the MangoApps domain.

  • User Email/ID: Email ID/login ID of the user on the MangoApps domain.

  • User Title: Job title of the user on the MangoApps domain.

  • Reward Points Available: Available reward points balance that a user can give out as rewards on the domain.

    • Add Reward Points: Click to add a specified amount of reward points to a user's reward points pool in the Add Reward Points pop-up.

    • Remove Reward Points: Click to deduct a specified amount of reward points from a user's reward points pool in the Remove Reward Points pop-up.

    • Remove User: Click to remove a user from the Reward Points Allocation list. If a user is removed from the allocation list, future rewards given by the user will require the direct manager's approval.


How are reward points calculated for teams?

If a team has 50 users, and a network user is giving an award with 5 reward points to a team. The reward points will be calculated as:

  • 49 users X 5 reward points = 245 reward points deducted from the user giving out the reward.

The network user giving out the award is NOT counted because a network user does NOT receive the award and the reward points allocated to it, if they give an award to their own team.

What if a user does not have sufficient points available to be given out for a recognition award?

When a user attempts to grant an award that requires reward points, but they lack a sufficient balance of allocated points, the system initiates a request for approval from their direct manager. In this process, when approved by their direct manager, any remaining points needed for the award are deducted from the direct manager's point balance. If the manager also lacks the required balance, the request is then forwarded to the user's designated fallback Approver, as specified in the Reward Settings, for deduction from their balance.

Case 1: A network user has direct manager assigned but not the sufficient balance, and the manager HAS sufficient balance

  • Network user A has 200 reward points available to give out.

  • Network user B (Network user A's Manager) has 500 points available to give out.

Network user A gives out an award with 250 reward points to another user. The reward point deductions will be calculated as:

  • 200 reward points deducted from Network User A's balance

  • 50 reward points deducted from Network User B's balance

Updated balance reward points after deductions:

  • Network user A has 0 reward points available to give out.

  • Network user B (Network user A's Manager) has 450 points available to give out.

Case 2: A network user has direct manager assigned but not the sufficient balance, and the manager DOES NOT have sufficient balance

  • Network user A has 50 reward points available to give out.

  • Network user B (Network user A's Manager) has 500 points available to give out.

  • Network User C (assigned as the fallback 'Approver') has 2000 reward points available to give out.

Network user A gives out an award with 800 reward points to another user. The reward point deductions will be calculated as:

  • 50 reward points deducted from Network user A's balance

  • 500 reward points deducted from Network user B's balance

  • 250 reward points deducted from Network User C's balance

Updated balance reward points after deductions:

  • Network user A has 0 reward points available to give out.

  • Network user B (Network user A's Manager) has 0 points available to give out.

  • Network User C had 1750 points available to give out.

Last updated