

Grouping office/store locations using sites allows managers of multiple levels within the organization to monitor task completion rates and assign tasks efficiently. This provides a centralized approach to management, enabling oversight across multiple stores simultaneously. This centralized view fosters efficient resource allocation, consistent standardization of processes, and better decision-making through access to real-time data.

Transparent monitoring promotes accountability, encouraging employees to take ownership of their responsibilities. Overall, this approach optimizes operations, improves efficiency, and fosters a culture of collaboration and accountability within the organization.

Sites vs. Locations

Sites configuration is tied to the Task feature. In order to utilize Sites, Locations must have been setup within your domain first. For information on creating Locations, click here.

Adding Sites

Admins can create up to 5 levels of hierarchy to establish a hierarchical structure within the site menu. From there, assign managers and responsible parties to each of these levels. It's important to note that all 5 levels of hierarchy must be established before designating stores. However, not all hierarchy levels require a responsible party.

In order to utilize Sites, configuration of office locations must be enabled. You can find this option in Admin Portal > Domain > Locations > General Settings.

Add Country Button

To begin, click on the Add Country button located at the top right-hand side of your screen. From the dropdown menu, select the country you wish to add. Once a country has been added, you can proceed to add more steps within the hierarchy by clicking the + Add button beneath the Add Country button and within the site details table.

Download/Bulk Upload Sites

Before uploading a .csv, make sure all headers appear exactly as the downloadable template or else an error will occur.

Customize Site Labels

From the cog menu, admins have the option to customize the site labels according to your company's preferences. Along the bottom of the resulting pop-up window is the option to reset the labels to the system default if necessary.

Using labels that match organizational terminology in site tasks promotes clarity, cohesion, and efficiency within the company's workflow.

Adding Users

Users added here will have visibility of the task execution insights of all the teams under this site. With managers overseeing different levels, risks can be identified and addressed proactively, enhancing the company's resilience and minimizing potential negative impacts.

Multiple users can be assigned as site managers however these users can only be assigned to one site level at a time. For example, Heather has been assigned as the Connecticut area manager, she cannot be assigned as the New England regional manager until she is unassigned as the area manager.

Assigning and Monitoring Site Tasks

Along with establishing this hierarchy of responsibility, users selected as managers of these sites will be able to track task progress via the Site Tasks Rollup Summary widget.

For information on the Site tasks Rollup Summary widget, click here.

For information on creating Sites Tasks in the User Portal, click here.

Last updated