Create a New Task
Click on the Task Tools dropdown menu from the tasks module or project and select Add New Task.
Add Task
To add a new task, begin by choosing the Team, User, or Site to whom the task will be assigned. You can select multiple teams or individual users for the task. If the task module is not enabled within the project to which the task is being assigned, a pop-up notification will prompt you to enable the module.
Enter task details including the title and description. Optionally, you can create a checklist for the task or include an attachment.
Site Tasks must be enabled from the Tasks Module within the Admin Portal in order for sites and stores to be selected. Once enabled, the users with permission to create and manage site tasks will be able to assign tasks across multiple stores to be completed.
As an added benefit, once a store/region/area/etc has been selected, click View All Locations link located beneath the site look ahead field to preview all stores which will receive the task assignment.
After enabling Site Tasks, admins should make sure to double check the Default task approver and assignee setting in the General Configuration section of the Admin Portal Tasks module to avoid any preference conflicts.
Along the right hand side of the Add Task pop-up window are a series of additional dropdown menus. These menus provide users with tools to establish the task cadence, select responsible parties, indicate if additional steps are required to complete the task, set task visibility, and more.
The first, Settings, a required section, will allow users to select the type of task they are creating.
Type - Required. Select a type for the task. Users can sort tasks in the List View by task type, providing quick access to tasks within a category. Additional Task Types can be created by admins within the Admin Portal.
Priority - Set the urgency level of the task. Additional priority levels can be created by network admins via the Admin Portal. Though not mandatory, adding a priority level to a task enables users to quickly determine which tasks within a milestone and/or project will require their attention first.
Responsible - The user(s) who will be assigned this task. When left empty, any team member can pick up the task to start/finish it. For multiple listed users, instances of the task will be added to their lists for individual completion. The completion of one instance will NOT complete the task for all other responsible users. This option is not available if User Task has been selected.
Approvers - Specify one or more users responsible for approving the completed task. If there are multiple approvers, the approval process will adhere to the workflow configuration settings established by the network administrator via the Admin Portal. Depending on these settings, either all designated approvers must give their approval, or the task can be approved by any one of them, transitioning it to the 'Accepted' status.
Milestone - Select the associated milestone to which the task is tied (if any). Users can track milestone progress and tasks from the Milestone view. For details on Milestones, click here.
Date Format Options - When choosing your task start and end date, the Calendar Date option provides a fixed date that remains unchanged until manually edited. On the other hand, the Derived Date option represents a relative date.
The Derived Date option enables you to set tasks based on the user join date or the task creation date. If the user profile's "date joined" value changes, the derived task's start and due dates will automatically adjust, except when the task is already in the "Accepted" status.
The due date can be set relative to the number of days after the start date of the task, the user's date joined, or the creation date of the Task.
Both the start and due dates can be modified to account for a specific number of days after the chosen date.
When enabled in the People Module from the Admin Portal, the custom Calendar Lookup field will be available to select under the start and due date drop down menus when creating a new task.
Call to Action (CTA)
Customize the call to action (CTA) behavior for the task according to your preferences. This step is optional. If left un-customized, the default call-to-action progression (start/finish/accept) will be applied.
To use the CTA feature, first enable it by toggling the Enable CTA switch. By default, this will be toggled OFF.
Select CTA - When enabled, choose whether to assign a course or survey to the completion of a task. This menu also provides the option to auto-start and auto-finish a task.
Take a Course: Require a course be completed before the task can be delivered. The user will be auto-enrolled in the selected course when they begin the task. If this option is selected, the additional fields "Select Course" and "Start Button Label" will appear.
The Allow Self-Enroll setting must be toggled ON in the course Rules in order for this feature to work. For steps on enabling self-enroll, click here.
Take a Survey: Require a survey be completed before a task can be delivered. If this option is selected, the additional field "Select Survey" and "Start Button Label" will appear.
The assigned user MUST be a part of the survey audience. For details on assigning a survey audience, click here.
Auto Run: Enable this option to allow the system to automatically initiate the task based on the selected start date and conclude it on the due date.
In this section, you have the option to control your task's visibility to fellow network users, set time estimates, and choose whether to enable auto-expiration.
Task Visibility - Choose to make the task visible to all members of the team (including guests) or limit visibility to network users. If User Task has been selected, the dropdown options will change to Private (only the Approver and assigned User will see the task) and everyone in the network.
On Finish Require Completion Proof - By default, this option will be toggled OFF. When turned ON, the user who marks the Task as finished will be required to add a comment and upload an attachment as proof of completion.
Best/Worst Case Estimates - This section allows you to assign Best and Worst case time estimates for the task. By providing both best and worst-case estimates, you create a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the task's timeline, facilitating better decision-making and project management.
Auto Expire On Overdue - Turning this setting ON will enable the system to automatically expire the task when it's due date has passed, even if the task has NOT been finished. Once the task has expired, it can't be edited, started, finished, nor delivered.
A task MUST have a defined due date within the Settings section in order to enable this feature.
This section provides the option to create a recurring task to be completed periodically.
Repeat Task - This option must be toggled ON for the recurring task schedule to execute. By default, this option will be OFF.
Frequency - Determine how often the recurrence runs by choosing from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly options. Additional options will become available based on your selection from the dropdown menu.
Daily - Selecting this option will allow you to choose whether the recurrence executes after a certain number of days, every weekday, or a number of days after the previous task has been completed.
Weekly - This option enables you to specify whether the recurrence be performed every set number of weeks on a chosen weekday or for the task to occur a certain number of weeks after the completion of the previous task.
Monthly - Configure the task's recurrence to take place on a specified day after every x number of months, on the x-th day of the week of every x month, or a certain number of months after the completion of the previous task.
Yearly - Configure the task's recurrence to execute on a chosen month on a specific day, the first, second, third, or fourth chosen day of the week of a chosen month, or a certain number of years after the completion of the previous task.
Start Date - Choose the start date for the set recurrence schedule to execute. This section affects only the recurrence schedule itself. If you wish to set an end date for the recurrence schedule, you can do so in this section.
Due Date - Set the due date for the task created by the recurrence schedule. This option will affect only the created task but will not affect the recurrence schedule.
Adding Multiple Tasks
The option also exists to add multiple tasks at once. In the Tasks Module, select Add Multiple Tasks from the Task Tools Dropdown Menu. Up to 250 tasks can be added this way at once.
Tasks MUST follow the format:
Task name (required), Team(required), Priority(optional), Responsible Email ID(optional), Milestone Name(optional), Due Date(MM/DD/YYYY)(optional)
For example,
Weekly Submission Report, Customer Project, High,, Release 10, 05/18/2023
Breaking the example down:
Task Name: Weekly Submission Report
Team: Customer Project
Priority: High
Responsible Email ID:
Milestone Name: Release 10
Due Date: 05/18/2023
Only 1 task can be entered per line.
Responsible users must be a member of the team in which the task is being created.
Last updated