đ¤People Directory & Profiles
Employee Profiles
MangoApps Employee Profiles offer users detailed and personalized information designed to increase communication and company understanding. Profiles provide an inside look at everything from recent work history to favorite after work activities.
Personalized Employee Profile Pages
Employee profiles offer detailed and personalized information designed to increase communication and strengthen company culture.
Employee profiles include pictures, job roles, contact information, and more
Add custom profile fields for attributes specific to your company/industry
Employee profiles are displayed in visually appealing format
Descriptive Profile Pages
Employee profiles include bios, expertise, experience, interests, and even your office location. Profiles are updated by employees in real time, ensuring that information is always up-to-date.
Personalized Page Content
Profile pages act like an internal resume, showcasing skills, experience, social media links, and accomplishments company-wide while helping employees engage in productive collaboration.
Simple Synchronization
The MangoApps Directory auto-syncs with LDAP and other enterprise systems, giving you a user-friendly, searchable system that is always up to date.
Multiple Directory Views
Employee directories can be browsed by either department or location, as well as org chart. This approach allows employees to stay organized, and find each other faster.
Complete Admin Control
Admins can specify which fields in an employee profile are required and which are unnecessary. This ensures that profile pages are always relevant and useful to employees and other directory users.
Global Search Options
Search employees by department, location, expertise, skills and more. You can also look for people matching multiple search criteria and save advanced search filters for later use.
Informative Org Charts
Visual and well-defined org charts help employees see and understand company hierarchy and collaborate more effectively.
Last updated