
Setting up the Projects module


The Projects module enables your users to collaborate and coordinate on unlimited projects. It helps your users execute on all your company projects maximizing efficiency by eliminating barriers in communication both internally and externally.

As a network admin, you can manage the projects and the domain-wide settings for projects from the Admin Portal.

  1. List of projects: Displays all the projects your domain. Each project displays a unique icon after the last character to depict the type of the project.

    • No icon: Public project.

    • Lock icon: Private project.

    • Building icon: Default domain project. All network users are added to the default group automatically. All default projects, by default, have the 'Public' privacy permissions.

  2. Actions: Click the drop-down and then click Chat Settings or View Project or View Archived Project or Edit Project or Edit Archived Project or Transfer Owner Rights or Set as Default Project or Archive Project or Activate Project or Delete Project or Delete Archived Project or Delete Project Template. See Actions on Projects for more information.

  3. Filter By Categories: Choose the filter to display projects by categories.

    • All Categories: Show projects from all categories in the list.

    • Browse by Departments: Show only those projects tagged with the selected department name. Department names are implicitly coined as categories and you can assign a Group/Project to it.

    • Browse by Category: Show only those projects tagged with the selected category in the list.

  4. Filter By Type: Choose the filter to display projects by type.

    • All Projects: Show all projects in the domain.

    • Archived Projects: Show only archived projects in the list.

    • Project Templates: Show only project templates created by network users in the list.

  5. Sort Projects: Choose the filter to sort the projects in the list.

    • Name: Sort the projects alphabetically. You can choose to sort from A-Z (Ascending) or Z-A (Descending).

    • Activity: Sort the projects as per the last activity time in the project. You can choose to sort from Most recent activity (Ascending) or Least recent activity (Descending).

    • Ascending: Sort the projects in an ascending order.

    • Descending: Sort the projects in a descending order.

    • Configure Custom Fields: Click the Configure Custom Fields option to open the Setup Custom Fields pop-up and create custom fields.

    • Manage Settings: Click the Manage Settings option to open the Project Settings pop-up and configure the domain-wide project module settings.

    • Manage Categories: Click the Manage Categories option to open the Manage Categories pop-up and configure the domain-wide categories for projects.

    • Show/Hide Fields: Click the Show/Hide Fields option to open the Show/Hide Fields pop-up and configure the fields displayed on the Projects page in the User Portal.

    • Export Project Email IDs: Click the Export Project Email IDs option to open the Export Projects pop-up. You can choose to Export All Project Data in XML format (excluding files) or Export All Projects Members list in .csv format.

  6. Create Project: Click the Create Project button to create a new project on your domain.

Unlisted projects are NOT displayed in the Projects module in the Admin Portal.

Actions on Projects

Chat Settings

You can send instant messages (IM) to an entire project and its members in MangoApps.

  1. Who can send IM in the project?

    • Domain Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins to send IMs in the project.

    • Domain Admins & Project Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and project admins to send IMs in the project.

    • Any Project Member: Select to allow any project member to send IMs in the project.

  2. Who can add new Members?

    • Domain Admins & Project Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and project admins to invite and add members in the project.

    • Any Project Member: Select to allow any project member to invite and add members in the project.

  3. Who can see the project member list?:

    • Domain Admins & Project Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and project admins to view the project member list. If selected, displays a Show Members button in the project IM only for network admins and project admins.

    • Any Project Member: Select to allow any project member to view the project members list. If selected, displays a Show Members button in the project IM for all project members.

  4. Who can send important messages?: You can mark an IM as important. Messages set as important get flagged as an important message and have a unique audible alert which distinguishes it from other messages. The message remains at the top of the recipient’s notification list until it is marked as read.

    • Domain Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins to mark a message as important in a project IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in project IM only for network admins.

    • Domain Admins & Project Admins Only: Select to allow only network admins and project admins to mark a message as important in a project IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in the project IM only for network admins and project admins.

    • Any Project Member: Select to allow any project member to mark a message as important in a project IM when they compose a chat message. If selected, displays a Set as Important option in the project IM for project members.

  5. Save: Click the Save button to apply the chat settings for the selected project.

View Project

Redirects to the project's page on the User Portal.

View Archived Project

For archived projects, redirects to the archived project's page.

Edit Project

Opens the project in the edit mode. You can modify the basic settings and configure the modules for the project.

Edit Archived Project

For archived projects, opens the archived project in the edit mode. You can modify the basic settings and configure the modules for the archived project.

Transfer Owner Rights

For projects and project templates, transfers the owner rights to the selected network user and makes them the project admin.

  1. Current Owner: Name of the current project/project template admin.

  2. Select New Owner: Enter the name of the new project/project template admin in the Select New Owner text box. The user MUST be a member of the project to successfully transfer the owner rights.

  3. Transfer Owner Rights: Click the Transfer Owner Rights button to transfer the owner rights from the current owner to the specified user.

After transferring the owner rights of a project to a new owner, MangoApps converts the old project admin into a member of the project and does NOT remove the user from the project.

Remove Default Project

For default projects, unlinks the selected project as the Default Project on the domain.

Set as Default Project

For existing public projects, makes the selected project as the Default Project in the domain.

All existing network users, network users invited, and signing up in the future are automatically added to the Default Project. Existing guest users are NOT removed from the selected project.

You can have more than one default project on the domain.

Archive Project

For active projects, archives the selected project. As a network admin, you can choose to generate an update ("This project has been archived.") on the project's wall to notify the members of the project archival.

Archiving a project does NOT delete any content in it. The project and all its contents can still be viewed by the project members but it CANNOT be edited.

Archived projects do NOT appear in your active list of projects on the User Portal.

Activate Project

For archived projects, activates the selected project. As a network admin, you can choose to generate an update ("This archived project has been activated. ") on the project's wall to notify the members of the project activation.

Only network admins and the project's admin can activate an archived project.

Delete Project

For selected project, deletes the selected project from your domain.

Deleting a project does NOT delete any content in it, it moves the project to the Trash Can. The project and all its contents can still be restored by the network admins from the Trash can.

Deleted projects do NOT appear in your active list of projects on the User Portal.

Delete Archived Project

For selected archived project, deletes the selected project from your domain.

Deleting a archived project does NOT delete any content in it, it moves the project to the Trash Can. The project and all its contents can still be restored by the network admins from the Trash can.

Deleted projects do NOT appear in your active list of projects on the User Portal.

Delete Project Template

For selected project template, deletes the selected project template from your domain.

Deleting a project template moves it to the Trash Can. The project template can still be restored by the network admins from the Trash can.

Deleted project templates do NOT appear in your active list of project templates on the User Portal.

Only network admins can delete project templates in MangoApps, including the templates created by network users.

Configuring Custom Fields

Custom fields let you add additional data to projects in MangoApps. You can create a field for stage, priority, cost, or anything else that’s important to your workflow, team, and company.

Adding a New Custom Field

  1. In the Setup Custom Fields pop-up, click the New Custom Field button.

  2. Enter a name for the custom field. For example, enter Test Project.

  3. Select the type of the field from the drop-down list. For example, select Single Line Text from the drop-down list.

  4. Click the Save button.

  5. Click the Close button to exit the pop-up.

Custom fields can be mapped to external APIs for syncing data.

Custom fields are displayed on a project's Create action or Edit action.

Editing a Custom Field

Deleting a Custom Field

Managing the Domain-wide Project Settings

  1. Label: Enter a custom label for the Projects module.

  2. Permissions to create a new project:

    • Any Network User: Select to allow any network user to create projects on your domain.

    • Only Network Admins: Select to allow only network admins to create projects on your domain.

    • Network Admins and Users with Creator Role: Select to allow only network admins and the users defined with the Creator Role (via Admin Portal > Users > Admin Roles) to create projects on your domain.

  3. Allow project admins to delete their projects : Mark the option to allow project admins to delete their project from the domain. If left unmarked, only network admins can delete projects from the domain.

  4. Allow creation of unlisted projects in the domain: Mark the option to allow network users to create projects with the Unlisted privacy permissions on the domain. If left unmarked, unlisted projects cannot be created by any user on the domain, not even by network admins.

  5. Only network admins can create project categories: Mark the option to allow only network admins to create and manage the project categories. If left unmarked, any network user can create project categories from the User Portal.

  6. Tag(s) is required while creating a new project: Mark this checkbox to make hashtag a required field for every project. The system checks the required condition on a project's Create action or an Edit action to have at least 1 hashtag.

  7. Category required when creating a new project: Mark this checkbox to make category a required field for every project. The system checks the required condition on a project''s Create action or an Edit action.

  8. Show departments as categories for browsing & assigning: Mark this checkbox to display all departments in the domain as categories when assigning categories to projects.

  9. Save: Click the Save button to apply the settings to the Projects module.

The translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) MUST be deactivated to edit the module label.

Activating and Deactivating the translate option of your domain in the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Domain > Translate) resets the custom label text.

Managing Project Categories

To manage project categories:

  1. Click the + New Category button to create a new project category.

  2. Enter the name for the project category and press ENTER or click anywhere on the screen. For example, enter QA.

  3. Right-click the new created category and then click the Add Subcategory option to add a new subcategory in the hierarchy.

    1. Enter the name for the subcategory category and press ENTER or click anywhere on the screen. For example, enter Bugs.

    2. Right-click a project category and then click the Rename option to rename it.

    3. Right-click a project category and then click the Delete option to delete it.

  4. Click the Done button to save the project categories.

Managing project categories

Deleting a project category only removes the association of the category from the project and the associated projects become un-categorized.

Showing/Hiding Project Fields

  1. Project Fields: Mark/unmark the project fields to show/hide on the Projects page. Drag-and-drop the fields to re-order them.

  2. Apply to new users only: Click the Apply to new users only button to apply the field settings to only the new users who are invited or signup on your domain.

  3. Apply to all users: Click the Apply to all users button to apply the field settings to all existing users and new users the new users who are invited or signup on your domain.

Exporting Project Email IDs

  1. Export All Projects data: Click the Export All Projects data button to export data (excluding file) of all projects on your domain in XML format.

  2. Export All Projects Members List: Click the Export All Projects Members list button to export the member list of all projects in .csv format.

  3. Previously exported data: List of the most recent exported project data on the domain.

  4. Close: Click the Close button to exit the Export Projects pop-up.

The exported data files are listed in the Data Exports tab in the Admin Portal.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project on your domain:

  1. Click the Create Project button to open the Create Project page.

  2. Enter a name for the project in the Name text box. For example, enter Mango Issues 2019 in the Name text box.

  3. Enter a description for the project in the Short Description text box.

  4. Add an image for the project. This is an optional step.

  5. Assign the category/department for the project.

    1. Select from an existing category/department. OR

    2. Click on the + New Category button to create a new category, mark the category and then click Done.

  6. Select the preferred privacy permissions for the project. For example, select Private.

  7. Add a Start Date and Completion Date for the project. This is an optional step.

  8. Add a hashtag for the project in the Hashtags text box. This is an optional step.

  9. Click the Save & Continue button.

  10. Configure the modules for the project as preferred. Enable/disable the modules or edit the settings of the modules for the project.

  11. Click the Save & Exit button to create the new project with the selected details on your domain.

Creating a new project

If you have existing project templates, the options Pick a Template and Pick Project Creator are displayed in the Create Project page when creating a new project. You can edit the options within the template as preferred.

By default, the creator of the project is the project's admin.

Creating a New Project Template

You can create project templates that all network users can use to quickly create projects on your domain. As a network admin, you can select the tags, categories, and modules for projects.

Network users can modify the specified tags, categories, and modules of templates when creating a project.

To create a new project on your domain:

  1. Enter a name for the project in the Name text box. For example, enter Testing & QA Project Template in the Name text box.

  2. Enter a description for the project in the Short Description text box.

  3. Add an image for the project. This is an optional step.

  4. Assign the category/department for the project.

    1. Select from an existing category/department. OR

    2. Click on the + New Category button to create a new category, mark the category and then click Done.

  5. Select the preferred privacy permissions for the project. For example, select Private.

  6. Add a Start Date and Completion Date for the project. This is an optional step.

  7. Add a hashtag for the project in the Hashtags text box. This is an optional step.

  8. Click the Save & Continue button.

  9. Configure the modules for the project as preferred. Enable/disable the modules or edit the settings of the modules for the project.

  10. Click the Save & Exit button to create the new project template with the selected details on your domain.

By default, the creator of the project template is listed as the project's admin.


What are the MangoApps project permissions?

The 3 permissions for projects in MangoApps are Public, Private, and Unlisted.

  • Public Projects

    • Allow any network user to join the project without an explicit invitation to the project. Users simply search for the project name and click 'Join' to become a member of the project.

    • Allow non-members of the project to view and post messages into the project without joining it. This is effective when not all project updates need to be seen by a non-member of the project, but from time to time the non-member of the project may need to find information from a project or communicate with the project audience.

  • Private Projects

    • Private projects protect the content of the project from being read by unauthorized users.

    • Private projects require an explicit invitation to the project by a project admin. Non-members can find private project names when searching but cannot view any of the project’s proprietary information. Non-members can request to join private projects but admins need to approve their request before they can join.

  • Unlisted Projects

    • Similar to Private projects, unlisted project members are explicitly invited to the project by a project administrator.

    • The differentiating factor between Private and Unlisted projects is the ability to find the private project’s name when searched. Unlisted projects do not show up in the search results.

    • Secret projects do not show project names or project members to non-members of the project. Even network admins that are not a member of the unlisted project cannot find the project as a result of a search.

    • Log entries display unlisted project items as ***** in the Audit Logs.

    • The Unlisted project privacy can be disabled by network admins to force only Private or Public project privacy to be used in the domain via the domain-wide project settings.

What happens if I disable the Projects module?

Disabling the Projects module from the Admin Portal (Admin Portal > Modules > Setup) does NOT delete or archive projects. MangoApps displays a warning message "This module is currently turned off by the Domain Administrator" on the User Portal when users try to access the projects they were a member of. Network admins can access all the projects via Admin Portal > Modules > Projects.

Who can create project templates in MangoApps?

Any network user can create project templates in MangoApps.

To see how these configurations impact the Projects on the User Portal, see Projects in the User Portal Guide.

Last updated