General Settings

Configuring domain-wide settings that apply to all users


Effectively manage and tailor the user experience, security, and functionality according to organizational needs using these domain-wide settings. Each configuration option serves a specific purpose in ensuring the platform aligns with company policies and objectives. For instance, by enabling or disabling inline previews of external and internal links, admins can regulate how users interact with shared content, balancing privacy and security considerations. Similarly, options to auto-shorten external URLs contribute to security measures by mitigating risks associated with long, potentially suspicious links. Admins also use these settings to enforce compliance with organizational guidelines, such as controlling who can invite new users and under what conditions, which helps manage network access and security. Furthermore, customization options for communication features like status updates and sharing preferences allow admins to foster desired communication behaviors within the platform, ensuring productive and compliant use. Ultimately, these configurable settings empower admins to fine-tune the platform to suit their organization's unique requirements, enhancing user engagement, collaboration, and overall efficiency.

Basic Configuration

  1. Enable inline preview of external links: Select Yes/No to show/hide the upfront preview of external links shared in feeds and updates. External links are URLs outside your domain and do NOT start with your domain address. For example -

  2. Enable inline preview of internal links: Mark/unmark the checkbox to show/hide the upfront preview of internal links to posts, pages, wikis, files, ideas, campaigns, notes, forms, trackers, and TinyTake URLs. Internal links are URLs within your domain and start with your domain address. For example -

  3. Auto-shorten external URLs: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable automatic conversion of external URLs shared in feeds and updates into a tiny URL. MangoApps converts URLs greater than 50 characters to tiny URL. The shortened URLs begin with your domain address and then will append /tu/<hash-value> to it. For example -

  4. Allow users to send GIF images: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable the option to allow your users to send GIF images to each other in chats and feeds. MangoApps uses Tenor to provide the list of GIF images to pick from.

Status Update Configuration

  1. Enable status update: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable the option to allow your users to share short updates with all their followers.

Enabling/disabling this setting adds an entry in the Audit log as "Microblogging module has been enabled/disabled."

Invite, Signup & Login Settings

  1. Enable login using employee identifier: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable the option to allow your network users to log into your domain using their unique employee identifier and password. If enabled, your users do NOT require an email ID for logging in. As a domain and organization admin, you can import users (Admin Portal > Users > Add Users > Import Users > Import users from a CSV file) using a .csv file with their unique employee identifiers.

  2. Employees to invite other employees: Settings related to invitations to users with a company email address.

    1. Allowed: Any network user can invite other employees to your MangoApps domain. An admin does NOT need to approve before the invited user signs up and logs in. Anyone with a company email address can directly signup into your domain or be invited. When selected, adds a "Share Sign Up Link" tab in the Add Users settings (Admin Portal > Users > Add Users > Share Sign Up Link) and a "Signup" option on your domain's login page. See Share Sign Up Link for more information.

    2. Moderated: Any network user can invite other employees, but an admin MUST approve the invitations.

      1. All approvals are by domain admin. Any domain admin can approve: All approvals are sent to the network admin irrespective of the invited user's email. If there are multiple network admins, any network admin can approve an invite. See Pending Invites for more information.

      2. Approvals are first routed to the organization admin based on user's domain email. Domain admin can approve, if user's domain email doesn't match any organization or when organization quota is exceeded: Pending invites are sent for approval first to the organization admin depending on the invited user's email. The approval is redirected to the network admin if (a) an invited user's domain email does not match any organization on your MangoApps domain, or (b) you have set the quota (Admin Portal > Users > Organizations > Number of Seats Allocated) for an organization and the quota exceeds.

    3. Disallowed: Any network user and organization admin CANNOT invite other employees to your MangoApps domain. Only a network admin can invite users to the domain.

  3. Invite users without a company Email ID: Settings related to invitations to users WITHOUT a company email address.

    1. Allow users without a company Email ID to be invited in the network : Mark this checkbox to allow network users to invite users from out of your network. For example, can invite to be a part of the network.

    2. Allow users without a company Email ID to be invited as a guest in projects & groups: Mark this checkbox to allow network users to invite users out of your network as "guest users" in a specific project or group. For example, can invite to be part of a specific project/group as a guest user.

    3. Allow users without a company Email ID to be invited as a guest in events : Mark this checkbox to allow network users to invite users out of your network as "guest users" to an event. For example, can invite to be a part of a specific event.

  4. Invite users without an Email ID:

    1. Allow users without an Email ID to be invited in the network : Mark this checkbox to allow domain and organization admins in your network to import users with a unique login name but with NO email address via Admin Portal > Users > Add Users > Import Users.

When a domain or organization admin approves a pending invite, the invited user is sent an email with the login credentials. Also, the user who invited receives a notification and an email depending on the notification settings adjusted in the User Portal. See Pending Invites for more information.

If a network admin invites or imports users via a .csv file, the invited users will NOT need an approval.

Auto Follow Settings

  1. Users follow everyone in the domain: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable the option to have your users auto-follow each other. This setting applies to all new users signing up on your domain and does NOT impact existing users. Following users in MangoApps is similar to following users on Twitter and Facebook. Users are notified when a colleague they follow, shares an update, question or poll with followers.

Users can choose to follow/unfollow each other using the Follow/Unfollow button in the Peoples directory and from a user's profile page after signing up.

Outlook & Google Calendar Settings

  1. Enable Add to Outlook/Google Calendar: Mark/unmark the checkbox to enable/disable the option to sync your MangoApps calendar and events to Outlook/Google Calendar or to export your MangoApps calendar and events to iCal supported calendars. Enabling this option adds an Export and Sync button on the Calendar page and an "Add to Outlook or iCal" menu item in the Event Tools drop-down.

Sync of your MangoApps calendar with Outlook/Google is a 1-way update. Any event change made in the MangoApps calendar will be updated in your Outlook/Google calendar but any change made in Outlook/Google will NOT be updated back in the MangoApps calendar.

JavaScript Settings

  1. Enable JavaScript on pages: Mark/unmark the checkbox to allow/restrict users from adding JavaScript code on existing or new pages. You can add a JavaScript code to an existing/new page to track the page views, track social interactions, etc.

ONLY network admins and company/intranet admins can add JavaScript code to existing and new pages.

  1. Enable Sidebar widgets: Mark/unmark the checkbox to display/hide the customizable slide in/out sidebar widget on your domain. The sidebar widget follows your users throughout the domain. Users can customize the sidebar widget by adding widgets into it to display the latest announcements, latest posts, upcoming events, upcoming birthdays, etc. There are over 30 widgets to choose from in MangoApps.

User and Team Preview

  1. Show preview on: Select the option to display a pop-up preview of a user's profile and a team on clicking the mouse or hovering the mouse. Teams include projects, groups, and departments. The preview is visible on a user's name, user's profile image, team picture and team name.

User and team previews are displayed ONLY on the web client.

Mobile & Desktop Installation Notifications

  1. Mobile & Desktop Installation Notifications: Mark the checkbox to automatically post an update on your domain on a user's behalf when they install the mobile and desktop applications for MangoApps on different platforms. This notification is pushed out to all the followers of the user.

Share Options

  1. Share over Email: Mark/unmark the checkbox to show/hide the Share over Email button on the user portal for status updates and team updates. Only a snapshot of the update and comments (if any) is sent to the external user. Media files are NOT attached to the email.

  2. Share over Twitter: Mark/unmark the checkbox to show/hide the Share on Twitter button on the user portal for status updates and team updates. Media files are NOT attached to the tweet. Guest users can NOT share an update on Twitter.

If both the options are disabled, then the Share button is NOT displayed on the User Portal.

Sharing an update over Email

Users can share status and team updates with external users using the Share over Email button. To share an update:

  1. Hover over the Share button to display the share options.

  2. Click the Share over Email button to open the Share over Email pop-up.

  3. Enter the email address(s) in the To text box.

  4. Click the Cc or Bcc buttons to add an email address for a Carbon copy or Blind carbon copy.

  5. Edit the subject and content as preferred.

  6. To add the external user's reply to the email as a comment to the update, mark the "Enable reply back over email into this conversation thread" option.

  7. Click the Send Email button.

Sharing a team update over email with external users

External users can reply to the email, and their reply is posted as a comment for the update if:

  • The external user is part of the team and the domain OR

  • The external user's email address is added in the Accepted List (Admin Portal > Email > Accepted List).

For this to work, you MUST have the "Enable reply back over email into this conversation thread" option in the Share over Email pop-up enabled and the "Content via Email" setting (Admin Portal > Email > Configuration > Inbound Email) enabled.

Sharing an update on Twitter

Network users can post the update directly to their Twitter account. To tweet the update on Twitter:

  1. Hover over the Share button to display the share options.

  2. Click the Share on Twitter button to open the Share on Twitter pop-up.

  3. Edit the content for the tweet as preferred. The content will be posted as per Twitter's character limit.

  4. Click the Tweet button to post the update on your Twitter account.

To share a MangoApps update on Twitter, a network user MUST have their Twitter account linked to MangoApps (User Portal > User Portal profile drop-down > Change My Settings > Social Media > Add a Twitter Account).

A guest user CANNOT share on Twitter.

User Menu for their Preferences, History & Settings

Top Bar User Menu Settings

  • History

  • Pinned list

  • Recommendations

User-personalized actions for

  • All users (default)

  • Network users only

  • Network & intranet admins only

  • Highly engaged users only (a.k.a. Power users)

  • Nobody

Start Week Day

From the dropdown menu, select the start day for your domain.

Save Button

Click the Save button to save the modifications to the general settings.


Can an external user choose to unsubscribe from receiving the updates via email?

Yes, external user's can choose to unsubscribe from ALL email sent by MangoApps. An external user can click on the Unsubscribe link in the email received from MangoApps and follow a two-step unsubscribe process. After successfully finishing the process, the external user's email is added to the Unsubscribed List (Admin Portal > Email > Unsubscribed Users).

If a user unsubscribes from emails on your domain, NO emails will be sent to the email address till a network admin removes it from the Unsubscribed List.

Last updated