🚫Screen Share/Video Call Log

Logs the monthly usage of screen share, video/audio calls in your domain

This Log option is no longer available in current MangoApps builds

Log Overview

The Screen Share/Video Call logs list the screen share, video & audio calls that have taken place in your MangoApps domain.

You MUST have the Screen Share module (Admin Portal > Modules > Setup > Screen Share) enabled on your domain for tracking the screen share logs

You MUST have the Huddle service (Admin Portal > Integrations > Huddle) enabled on your domain and should have selected MangoApps service as the huddle provider for tracking the 1-on-1 audio/video call logs on web and Windows desktop application.

The system tracks screen share/video call logs ONLY for the MangoApps service and not for other providers that MangoApps integrates with.

  1. Current Usage: Number of minutes used in the current month for screen share and video/audio calls. The start date for each month is as per your billing cycle date.

  2. Total Usage: Total number of minutes used for screen share & video/audio calls.

  3. Subscribed Minutes (Per Month): The total minutes subscribed per month for screen share & video/audio calls for your domain. They are renewed to 1800 minutes per month as per your billing cycle date.

  4. Month: Month-wise usage details for screen share & video/audio calls.

  5. Used Minutes: Minutes used by the users for screen share & video/audio calls in a month.

  6. Details: Click the View button to display the details for the monthly usage. You can export and download the detailed monthly usage as a .csv file by clicking the Download CSV button in the Screen Share & Video Call Details pop-up. This exports the logs for every day of the month. If no screen share/video calls were made on a day, the system skips that day in the records.

  7. Download CSV: Click the Download CSV button to export and download the brief monthly total usage of screen share & video/audio call logs. This exports the logs for each month.

By default, every domain is provided 1800 minutes per month on sign up. The allocated minutes are applicable domain-wide and can be used by any authenticated user.

Exporting Total Usage

You can export and download the total usage logs for the screen share and video/audio calls. To export and download the total usage:

  1. Go to Admin Portal > Home > Logs > Screen Share/Video Call Log.

  2. Click the Download CSV button.

Exporting Monthly Usage

You can export and download detailed monthly usage log for the screen share and video/audio calls. To export and download the monthly usage:

  1. Go to Admin Portal > Home > Logs > Screen Share/Video Call Log.

  2. In the Details column, click the View button for the month.

  3. In the Screen share & Video Call Details pop-up, click the Download CSV button.

Exporting monthly usage via the Admin Portal

The system tracks screen share/video call usage for every call by all users.


How is the usage for each call calculated?

Each call usage is calculated ONLY for the streaming between all the users who have joined the screen share or video/audio call. For example -

  • User 1 starts the call at 11:30 AM PDT

  • User 2 joins the call at 11:30 AM PDT

  • User 3 joins the call at 11:35 AM PDT

  • All users leave the call at 11:45 AM PDT

The usage calculations for the call will be:

  • User 1 + User 2 streaming (11:30 AM to 11:35 AM) = 2 * (2-1) * 5 minutes = 10 minutes

  • User 1 + User 2 + User 3 streaming (11:35 AM to 11:45 AM) = 3 * (3-1) * 10 minutes = 60 minutes

  • Total Used Minutes = 10 + 60 = 70 minutes

The formula for usage calculation is n * (n-1) * minutes, where n is the number of users connected to the call.

Maximum 3 users are allowed to join a screen share or video/audio call at any point in time. The maximum duration that a call can last is 60 minutes.

What happens when I have used up all my subscribed minutes?

If your domain runs out of the subscribed minutes, your users receive the following notification:

  • "Maximum monthly allowed subscribed minutes for your domain have been used up. Contact us for more details."

You can contact your Customer Success Manager to add more minutes to your domain or write to us at support[at]mangoapps[dot]com.

What happens to the balance minutes if I don't use up all my subscribed minutes in a month?

You lose the balance minutes every month if you do not use them. MangoApps renews the subscribed minutes to 1800 minutes every month as per your billing cycle. We do NOT carry forward balance minutes.

I have 20 minutes left from my monthly 1800 subscribed minutes; I am starting a call which would last at least 45 minutes - will the call disconnect automatically after 20 minutes?

No, if you have started the call, the call will not be disconnected after you run out of your subscribed minutes. We do not disconnect an ongoing call in such a scenario although you or your users receive a notification the next time when you or they try to initiate a call after your domain has run out of subscribed minutes.

Last updated