Assistants Log

Logs the posts and updates shared by an authorized assistant on behalf of an executive


MangoApps lets you assign assistants to specific users. Assistants can create a post or an update on behalf of an executive. An assistant has to be a member of the executive's team to create a post or an update on behalf of the executive. Creation of posts and updates by an assistant on behalf of the executive is recorded in the assistants log. The assistants log displays the list of posts and updates by an assistant with a link to the content and IP address from which the action was performed.

By default, the assistants log displays all details in an ascending order starting from the most recently posted update or post on your domain.

  1. Search Filters: Filters for searching the items in the assistants log on your domain.

  2. Export CSV and Export PDF: Click the Export CSV or Export PDF button to export the assistants log to a .csv or .pdf file.

  3. User Name: Name of the user who has an assistant assigned.

  4. Assistant: Name of the assistant assigned to a user.

  5. Type: Type of item created by the assistant. An assistant can only create a post or an update as assistant on behalf of an executive in the teams they both are members of.

  6. Link: Link to the post or update created by the assistant.

  7. Posted on: Date and time when the post or update was posted in a team on your domain.

  8. IP Address: IP address of the system the post or update was posted from.

Assistants Log are captured if you have the 'Allow specific users to have assistants' (Admin Portal > Domain > Assistants) option enabled for your domain, and added an assistant for a user.

Searching the Assistants Log

You can search specific assistant log entries in the domain using a user's name (executive who has an assistant assigned) text box or assistant name search box. You can also search assistants log for entries between a specific period with the Posted Between filter. To search a log entry:

  1. Type a user name in the User Name search box to search for a specific user's assistant logs. This is an optional step.

  2. Type an assistant's name in the Assistant Name search box o search for a specific assistant's logs. This is an optional step.

  3. In the Posted Between date picker, select the period to filter the content within the specified dates.

  4. Click the Search button to search the assistants log with the specified filters.

  5. To export the filtered search results to a .csv or .pdf file, click the Export CSV or Export PDF button. This is an optional step.

Exporting the Assistants Log

You can export and download up to 1000 entries from the assistants log as a .csv or .pdf file. To download the assistants log as a .csv or .pdf file:

  1. Go to Admin Portal > Home > Logs > Assistants Log.

  2. Navigate to the bottom of the page, click the Items per page drop-down and select 1000 to display 1000 items in the assistants log. By default, the assistants log displays only 50 recent entries. You can choose to export 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 entries from the Assistants Log for a selected period.

  3. Click the Export CSV or Export PDF button to download the assistants log as a .csv or .pdf file on your machine.

Maximum 1000 records can be exported for a selected period to a .csv or .pdf file.

Exporting the assistants log to a .csv or .pdf file does NOT trigger any notifications or email.

MangoApps retains assistants logs from the date of domain creation. The system never deletes assistants logs. These logs are accessible anytime to the network admin.


What are the permissions needed by an assistant to post on behalf of an executive?

An assistant MUST have the same permissions as the executive they are assisting to share updates or create posts for the followers of the executive and in the teams.

Can an executive have multiple assistants?

Yes, an executive can be assigned multiple assistants.

Whose name is displayed for the post or update created by an assistant?

Who can edit the posts and updates created by an assistant?

The assistant and the executive both can edit the posts and updates created by an assistant.

Who can delete the posts and updates created by an assistant?

The assistant and the executive both can delete the posts and updates created by an assistant. The system sends an email to the executive when an assistant deletes the post.

Which actions are logged in the Assistants Log?

Any edits made to the posts or updates are tracked in the Assistants Log.

Last updated