Import Via API
Importing and adding MangoApps users from an API
Last updated
Importing and adding MangoApps users from an API
Last updated
MangoApps allows administrators to bulk import users via API by configuring the endpoint and mapping API fields to user fields in MangoApps. Follow the steps below to successfully import users.
Navigate to Synchronize Settings and select when to synchronize users from the API.
Choose one of the following options:
One Time Import (All Users): Imports and syncs users only once.
On User Login:
On First Login: Syncs users when they log in for the first time.
On Every Login: Syncs users every time they log in.
Users imported via Admin Portal > Users > Add Users > Import via API are automatically assigned the "Network User" role, regardless of their email domain.
This section will only appear if One Time Import (All users) is selected in the above Synchronization Settings.
In When Fetched Users Already Exist in MangoApps, choose an option:
Skip Existing Users: Avoids overwriting existing user data.
Update Existing Users: Overwrites existing user data.
In Email Invites for Newly Added Users, check the box to send login credentials via email to new users.
A request will be sent to the listed URL to sync all users.
In Import API URL, select the preferred method from the dropdown menu (e.g., "GET") and enter the API URL.
Request Parameters - On User Login Synchronize Option Only
Enter the API field name in API Field.
Enter the corresponding MangoApps field name in MangoApps Field.
Click + Add to add more parameters or Remove to delete parameters.
Response Parameters - Required for Either Synchronize Option
Enter the API field name in API Field.
Enter the corresponding MangoApps field name in MangoApps Field.
Check User Identifier for the field that uniquely identifies users. Only one field can be marked as the user identifier.
Click + Add to add more parameters or Remove to delete parameters.
The API field names in request and response parameters must match the third-party API field names.
When connecting to the HCM/HRIS system to retrieve user profile data, select the method that best suits your system's security and integration requirements.
Enter the necessary authentication details:
OAuth Token URL
Authorization URL
Click Save Settings & Test Connection to verify the configuration.
Click Preview & Synchronize to review the user data before importing. If everything is correct, click Synchronize to complete the process. Once the import is successful, a confirmation message appears, and the system sends an email notification to the network admin.