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Network admins can choose to add new lessons from an external LMS or upload videos directly into MangoApps and associate them to lessons
MangoApps provides 10 out-of-the-box admin training courses via the MangoAcademy Learning Management System (LMS) as lessons to all network admins.
Training lessons: List of all training lessons for network admins. Click a lesson to preview it in the preview area.
Lesson preview area: Preview of the lesson as seen on the User Portal for all network admins.
Add Lesson +: Click the Add Lesson + button add a new training lesson for all network admins.
Delete Lesson: Click the Delete Lesson link to remove the selected lesson from the Admin Training Videos section for all network admins.
Network admins can choose to retain the pre-shipped out-of-the-box training courses or create a customized admin training course using media files from the Media Library/external LMS/external file storage locations/video hosting solutions.
Network admins can add lessons from an external LMS or add media within the Admin Training Videos section for all network admins. To add a new lesson:
Click the Add Lesson + button to create a new lesson and open it in draft mode.
Enter a title for the lesson in the Lesson Title text box. For example, enter Admin Portal Quick Start in the text box.
Enter a heading for the lesson. For example, enter Admin Portal Quick Start in the text box.
You can choose to link the heading to an URL by selecting the heading text and then click the link button to specify the link details.
Click the Add Media button to add an image/GIF/video/presentations/PDF for the lesson.
You can add media files from the MangoApps Media Library or upload media from your local system or insert media from an URL.
Edit the content as preferred within the content block.
Edit the call-to-action button as preferred by adding an URL to the lesson video from an external LMS.
Click the Save Changes button to save and add the new lesson to your network in the Help Center.
Currently, MangoAcademy provides the following training courses for network admins:
Administrator Quick Start Course: The top 10 courses you should take to get started using MangoApps. This 30 minute course covers everything you need to know, as an admin, to get started with MangoApps.
Mango 360: This two and a half hour course covers every app in the Mango360 system. Covers all the menu options including, Domain, Users, Modules, Navigation, Email, SSO, Security, Compliance, Integration, Branding, Reports, Analytics, and Billing.
Mango CMS: This 8 minute course covers all the modules available to you in the CMS app. Covers files, configuring forms and trackers, groups, your newsfeed, posts, and wikis
Mango Community: This 32 minute course covers every feature available to you in the Community app. Covers configuring the calendar, setting up your dashboard, setting up groups, configuring your newsfeed, adding locations, creating posts, designing your various recognitions, setting up ballots, and personalizing your greetings.
Mango ESN: This 15 minute covers the features included in the ESN App. Covers setting up and configuring groups, customizing your levels and badges and other recognitions, personalizing your newsfeed, and creating your greetings.
Mango Exchange: This 10 minute course covers the features included in the Exchange App.We will cover setting up your groups, creating posts, and configuring your message settings.
Mango Intranet: This comprehensive 24 minute course covers the features included in the Intranet App. Covers setting up your calendar, configuring your Company page, setting up departments, personalizing your dashboard, setting up groups, configuring groups, setting up locations, and creating posts.
Mango Messenger: This 3 minute class covers the features included in the Messenger App.
Mango Pulse: This comprehensive 9 minute course covers the features included in the Pulse App. Covers setting up recognitions, configuring settings and permissions for quizzes and surveys, and personalizing your greetings.
Mango Teams: This 22 minute course covers the features included in the Team App. Covers files, configuring your message settings, customizing your newsfeed, creating posts, configuring projects, setting up tasks, and wikis.
MangoApps will keep rolling out more training courses in the future.
Edit Lesson: Hover over a lesson and then click the (Edit) button to open the selected lesson in draft mode and modify it.
Deleting a lesson, does NOT move it to the Trash Can and CANNOT be recovered. You can however, access the out-of-the-box MangoAcademy training courses by visiting .
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Configuring and managing the admin training videos