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Network Admin can change the public appearance such as background color, button color, header color and change module label of the recorder from the Admin Portal.
Go to Modules, click My Recordings, and select the Settings tab.
Module Label: By default, the module will be named “My Recordings” but Admins can choose another name as label.
Save: Click Save to save the changes.
Screenshots and recording with public access allowed will display with company bradning as the border. This branding can be managed via the Public Appearance tab.
The publicly shared pages can be easily customized to match your company's branding guidelines, without any need for HTML/CSS knowledge:
Background Page Color: Choose a background color from the available options. The default is gray.
Top Header Color: Select a color for the top header.
Button Color (Play & Download): Choose a button color from the list.
Button Text Color: Configure the color of the button text.