Comparing Module Toolbars
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Last updated
When navigating through the Projects, Groups, and Departments modules, users will find several common functionalities that streamline content management and accessibility. While these modules share many similarities, they also include unique features designed to meet the specific needs of each category, such as export options, special access controls, and pinning capabilities.
All three modules (Projects, Groups, and Departments) allow users to search by entering relevant keywords. The search function scans both the title and content of the item.
Each module provides sorting options to organize content:
Sort By Category: Projects and Groups can be sorted by All Categories, Department, or a specific Category, while Departments can only be sorted by All Categories or a specific Category.
Sort By: Projects, Groups, and Departments can be sorted alphabetically or by their latest activity, with the option to choose ascending or descending order.
Users can refine their view using filters:
Projects: Filter by All Projects, Projects you belong to, Archived Projects, or Project Templates.
Groups: Filter by All Groups, Groups you belong to, Archived Groups, or Group Templates.
Departments: Filter by All Departments, Departments you belong to, or Archived Departments.
All modules offer two display options:
Grid View
List View
Projects: Provides additional viewing options and allows exporting project email IDs.
Departments: Allows exporting names and email addresses into a vCard or CSV file for import into email clients.
Groups: Does not offer an export function.
Projects: Admins can create Projects and Project Templates.
Groups: Default groups are automatically assigned to all users, while private groups require permission to join.
Departments: Private departments are indicated with a padlock symbol, and joining requires approval from an admin or existing member.
Projects: Users can pin projects for quick access from the Projects module.
Groups and Departments: Can only be pinned to the Profile dropdown menu.
Users can access Quick Summary widgets based on the active workspace modules. These widgets are located on the right-hand side of each workspace’s Newsfeed module.
Regardless of which workspace modules are enabled, the following details will always be displayed:
Your Notification Preferences
Workspace Summary
Workspace Hashtags
Only administrators have the ability to select which workspace modules are visible to all members.
Tasks (Projects and Groups only)
When enabled, this module displays a Project/Group Status widget in the Quick Summary section.
The project/group health status is categorized as:
On Track: Most tasks are completed or still within their deadlines.
At Risk: Some tasks are close to missing their deadlines.
Not on Track: Most tasks are overdue.
Displays two widgets: Members and New Joinees.
The Members widget is further divided into:
Network Members
Guest Users
Announcements (Departments only)
Shows the most recent announcement post from the department’s Posts module.
Related Projects/Groups (Departments only)
Allows admins to link project and group workspaces to the department.
The admin must be a team admin for the project or group to enable this.
Recognitions (Groups only)
Displays all recognition awards the group has received.