Ballots Tools

Vote on leadership or other topics


With MangoApps you can easily vote on leadership, materials, and more. Set the voting period, upload you materials, and let MangoApps Ballots do the rest!

Viewing Ballots

From any screen in the system, click on Ballots

  1. Title of the ballot

  2. Ballot Item: A ballot can have a person or a document

  3. Opening Date and Time of ballot

  4. Closing Date and Time of ballot

  5. View:

    1. All

    2. Open Ballot Only

    3. Closed Ballot Only

    4. Approved Ballot Only

  6. Published:

    1. All time

    2. Last 1 year

    3. Last 6 months

    4. Last 3 months

    5. This month

    6. This week

  7. Status of ballot

    1. Open

    2. Closed

  8. Create a New Ballot

  9. Three Dot Menu

    1. Edit Ballot Only available if the ballot is still open

    2. View Ballot History

    3. Change Voter List Only available if the ballot is still open

    4. View Ballot Results

    5. Delete Ballot

    6. Reopen Ballot Only available if the ballot is closed

Create a Ballot

From the Ballots screen, click on New Ballot

  1. Select a Team to make the ballot available to

  2. Enter a Title and Details for the ballot

  3. Select What's on the Ballot

    1. Document- Select this option when you need to get an approval on a new or amended specification, procedure or process

    2. Person- Select this option when you need to elect a representative, board member or partner

  4. Select Ballot Type

    1. Single Choice (Yes/No Style)- Select this type when you want to add only one ballot item below. This will give voters 'Yes/No/Abstain' actions against the ballot item.

    2. Multiple Choice (Election Style)- Select this type when you want to add multiple choices for the ballot item below. This will give voters option to select from one of the choices and cast their vote.

  5. Attach supporting documents

  6. Configure Voting Options

  7. Include any Special Voting Instructions

  8. Click on Save and Publish to create your Ballot

  1. Set the Voting Days for the ballot

  2. Set Who Can View Results

    1. All members

    2. Voters Only

    3. Admins Only

  3. Set Result Availability

    1. When ballot opens with real time updates

    2. After ballot closes

  4. Set the Result Style

    1. Detailed: Full detailed results will be available online & for export. The detailed results will be available to users based on 'Who Can View Results?' setting.

    2. Summary: Only summary of the results will be available online & for export. The summary results will be available to users based on 'Who Can View Results?' setting. Admins will still be shown detailed results.

  5. Allow Revoting: This allows users to change their vote provided the ballot is still open

  6. Who Can Comment

    1. Anyone who can view the ballot

    2. Voters Only

    3. Admins Only

  7. Who Can View Comments

    1. Anyone who can view the ballot

    2. Voters Only

    3. Admins Only

You can make changes to your ballot as long as the ballot is still open.

If you select Detailed results, then users will be able to see how each voter voted. Detailed results are not recommended when using election style voting.

Ballot Tools

  1. Edit Ballot: You can make changes to your ballot until the ballot closes. This option is not available for closed ballots.

  2. View Ballot History: See audit trail for changes made to the ballot. This option is not available for closed ballots.

  3. Change Voter List: Change who can vote on the ballot. This option is not available for closed ballots.

  4. View Ballot Results: See current ballot results

  5. Delete Ballot: Delete the ballot. Only the creator of the ballot or an admin can delete a ballot.

If a ballot has closed, you have the option to reopen it.

Reopening a Ballot

If a ballot closes, you can easily reopen it.

To start, click on Ballots from the left-hand side menu.

From the ballot list, click on the three dot menu for the closed ballot and select Reopen Ballot.

Select the new date and time for the ballot to close. Then, click on Submit.

Only the creator of a ballot or an admin has the option to reopen.

Change Voters List

You can modify what users are able to vote on a ballot.

From the ballot page, click on Ballot Tools and select Change Voters List.

Select from allowing all members from the team or specific members. Once you have selected members, click on Save.

Viewing/Voting on a Ballot

If you are a member of a team that a ballot was shared with, it will appear on your news feed.

To review or vote on the ballot, click on View Ballot.

Next, click on your vote choice.

If desired, type in a comment and then click on Submit.

Your vote is now displayed.

Can Ballots be made anonymous?

It's important to note that ballot votes are not anonymous. While you have control over who can view the ballot results, the name of each voter will be visible. This ensures transparency in the voting process, but it means that voter submissions are linked to the individual who cast them, rather than remaining anonymous.

Commenting on a Ballot

MangoApps offers the ability to comment on ballots without voting on them.

Click on a ballot you can want to comment on.

Type in a comment, then click on Comment.

Viewing Results

MangoApps provides a report of voting results for your ballots.

Click on the three dot menu and select View Ballot Results.

If you have not restricted viewing results, then all employees will be able to see ballot results.

You can also export result to Excel.

Click on Export Results

Last updated